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Unfortunately for me the game crashed a few times in a row and I just couldn't bear to sit through the tutorial segment any more times. What I did get through seemed great though.

(1 edit) (+1)

Sorry for the problem,  those issues should be fixed in our next release. Thanks for giving us feedback though

If you don't mind, what system were you using? Do you remember when/how it crashed?


I was using a Vive and it crashed after picking up a sword and slicing a cube thing. Then it just froze and there was an error message on the desktop.


thanks for letting us know. We'll take a look at it before releasing any new updates. 

(1 edit) (+2)

Yea I encountered the same issue, the first time I did the tutorial it didn't happen then the 2nd time I slashed the slime then walk around the pillar to the right and then the game crashed with a fatal error. I used a Quest 2 with link play. 

Thank you for letting us know exactly what you did when it crashed! We'll have that fixed before we do our alpha release.