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I cannot overstate how much I LOVE this!! Everything, from the mood, to the Appendix N, to (probably) the mechanics (I haven't played it yet) is spot-on. I've actually been trying for quite some time to create an RPG about travellers in a fairy forest using very similar influences.

(You can probably tell from my entry that fairy-related stuff is a bit of a weakness of mine haha. But this is really genuinely very very good.)


Thank you so much! I wouldn't put too much stake into the mechanics yet, I still need to test the game. Hopefully I can do that before the jam is over!


I'll hold my tongue for the moment then haha. I'd really really love to take the game for a test run if I ever manage to find the time. Even if it turns out that the core mechanics are totally unsalvageable (which I doubt but you never know lol), they contain a lot of good ideas that really reinforce the game's tone and that could be individually poached to hack into different systems.

Thanks! I think the idea of a stat that is the inverse of another stat could probably be salvaged even if the rest doesn't work. I might get a chance to test it this week so I'm looking forward to that!