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Nice job again! Man, I've rarely felt the feeling of satisfcation from mastering a game's mechanics from such a simple game like I did with yours. The experience of learning alchemy in an intense situation was pretty unique. Three types of ingredients were the perfect amount, and they were vague enough to feel like you were deciphering something with your spells.

A minor suggestion would be to give a little loot drop animation of some kind to help inform the player that killing monsters is what gives you more ingredients. Also maybe add a guarenteed item every time interval so the player isn't ever stuck watching helplessly as his friends die from a very unlucky rng.

love this game

Whoa thanks! I couldn't get the feeling of learning the recipes while testing, so I was scared gameplay would be boring and I was trusting on that to carry the experience, I'm glad it worked for you!

Yeah, I had like 0 time to balance and not rely completely on RNG to make the game interesting. Gosh, I had so much more ideas, with 5 ingredients, buying more cauldrons and ingredient slots, buying troops, a recipe that resurrected troops to get those big comebacks... It's also true that there's too much time in the game where you're doing nothing, but I don't know how to solve that.

Thanks for the feedback!