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Hi guys I am 14 years old and this was the first game jam i have participated in.Overall the experience was fun but the team that I was supposed to make a game with was offline the whole duration of the jam and i had to make the game myself hence,it does not have any audio.It's name is Kenney and Co.

Great job Max!

Jam teams often have coordination or scheduling issues. Most of the time unless you can all be in the same physical space it's best to enter alone.

Kudos to you for participating and getting something out there. I hope you learned a lot and will join more jams.

Nice work! When I was 14 years old I started to be passionate about developing videogames. Now, at 25, it was my first jam, but it makes me happy to know that a boy of your age has get involved. Good job. ;-)

Thank you everyone for the positive feedback