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A member registered Aug 26, 2017 · View creator page →

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Congratulations to everyone!

It isn't your fault, your comment is very useful to me, next time I have to think to a better UI. Thank you again!

Thank you for your appreciation! Of all the people who have played it so far, no one has ever reported a similar issue. Couldn't it be, by chance, that you had run out of moves? Unfortunately, having started to develop it during the last days of the jam, I didn't have time to insert an adequately clear message regarding the remaining moves, so in the left corner of the UI it could be not very visible.

Thank you! Unfortunately I started working late on the game and I didn't find the time to draw the jump sprites and animate the squirrel, I will probably release an update after the results!

I really like the animations and the art style, the enemies are really insidious when they start shooting at you, making it extremely fun and tricky! Nice use of the Web Monetization, congrats!

Very well polished and funny! The graphics and visual animations are a sight, I love it!

Nice work! When I was 14 years old I started to be passionate about developing videogames. Now, at 25, it was my first jam, but it makes me happy to know that a boy of your age has get involved. Good job. ;-)