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I'm getting a lot of errors when trying to use the DragonBones, I tried to contact the Visustella people, but until now they didn't know what is causing the problem, I don't know if it's a compatibility problem with MZ or the plug-ins from Visustella ):


Im actually going over the process of checking some reported animated battlers, I will be fixing issues with the Virgel and Wukong battler this week, and I will be checking other battlers gradually!

Cool! I really wanted to use the DragonBones in my project, all the DragonBones I got from this mega pack are giving me a problem here, if you want I can send you a print of the error in the email.

Just list out the names of the battlers you have tried so far here!

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I'm using a lot, but here are the ones I tested

I'm getting this error:

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Hello! I checked and I didn't find any issue with the ones i've tried in your list so far, I think you might be using the bundled RMMV setting configuration which is not supported in the RMMZ VisuStella dragonbones union plugin, which is why you are not being able to load them up, for RMMZ you will have to readjust the suggested settings zipped with these to fit into the VisuStella Dragonbones union plugin format ! in all cases the only thing which carries over from the bundled RMMV settings is the file name to use to setup the battler,  e.g 'LivingArmor' , and also the Motion names , e.g 'Attack A' , aside from that both the battlers and the action sequences are configured very differently in RMMZ

Hope that helps!

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Maybe this could be a solution! Just one more question, i'm using the configuration like this: 

<DragonBone Settings>

Battler: SlimeCaster

Scalex: 1.0

Scaley: 1.0

Ani Wait: Idle

Ani Walk: Idle

Ani Attack: Attack

Ani Swing: Attack

Ani Thrust: Attack

Ani Missile: Attack

Ani Skill: Cast

Ani Chant: Cast

Ani Spell: Attack

Ani Item: Cast

Ani Guard: Idle

Ani Evade: Idle

Ani Damage: Idle

Ani Abnormal: Idle

Ani Sleep: Idle

Ani Dying: Idle

Ani Dead: Dead

Ani Victory: Idle

Ani Escape: Idle

Replace Sprite

</DragonBone Settings>

is this wrong? if you have some example, I'll be thankful!

That is the RMMV configuration setting! for RMMZ you will have to follow the configuration established by the plugin and found over at

The only things which carry over are the Battler File Name and the Available motion pool, which is usually Attack A, Attack B, Attack C, etc!

Now it worked! My hero! The RPG Maker MZ project I was working on is no longer working with DragonBones, but when I created and configured it that way, it worked! Thank you!