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Looks like I hit someone in a sore area. 

Honestly though, you seriously typed this? - 'You are such an angry, petulant and fragile child' and 'You must be one of the most lifeless, parasitic and cancerous husks the light of day has ever embraced' - LOL. 

All because I told you that I find you annoying? It's hilarious, don't get me wrong, you're the kind of person who, when having a tempertantrum, you start trying to use big boy words, you pull out that vocabulary and hold nothing back to try to sound intelligent or something. It gave me a good chuckle.

Others agreed with my initial post towards you, that you're annoying and that you spam like a bot, even if they don't agree with my blunt method of telling you - and you go into this silly little childish rage. A comedic Rage over a mere opinion? Whatever ad hominems you mustered in your hissy fit, I think one thing is for certain and you should definitely seek anger management. I also suggest you don't use projection so much on others, its clearly an emotional, knee-jerk reaction and nothing more.

I don't have to be angry like yourself in order to say what I said, lmao. You, on the other hand? You bleed salt and scream murder a bit too quickly. This'll be my last response, wouldn't want to waste anymore time watching you screech any further.




I will have to politely ask both parties to stop here, or continue the discussion elsewhere. I wouldn't want to mute comments for other people genuinely wanting to express thoughts about the game. Please and thank you.

PS to answer original comment, I am not planning to add more content in the future.


Thanks for replying! 


Alright, let's end it here. Though, I was not the one who got all hot and bothered over a comment not directed at me and tried to explain it to yet another person who was annoyed by this, calling me names and spewing hatred over nothing. But alright, think of yourself as a winner all you want, big mature boy) 


You're saying they were calling you names when you did first? 😂 what a hypocrite.


quit getting mad over shitty video games