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Another question, as Analysis-Bot and Commentatron have TTS voices, will we be able to create our own commentator dialogues?

If so...



I can only begin to guess at what horror may come of that.

or what fun could become of that

(3 edits) (+1)

there can be endless horrors with a level and challenge creator.

5 fire sword bots, 10 mark 2 jetpack archers, and 15 mark 3 sword bots.

that's hell if you ask me.

i take it back, 10 fire hammer bots, 10 mark 2 jetpack archers, 2 spidertron-6000s, and 5 combat fire-bots. That's literally the worst thing for players.




(Analysis-Bot 2.0) *controls Analysis-Bot's voice system* {Execute <text_to_speech> (Custom_Text: Hello, I am Poop Face Bot!)


*Error* Systems failure *overheating* i cant let Analysis-Bot 2.0 replace me. i am too old for that stuff...



*analysis bot getting replaced by analysis-bot 2.0*


that's a cardboard impostor human