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It's Article 4!


Oh, thank you! :) 


Yes, about that... for some reason, Article 4 doesn't say anymore what the MC says it says. I seem to remember, on my very first playthrough of the previous build, it did say that Argos could inspect the hotel premises. But on all subsequent playthroughs, that section is suddenly missing from Article 4. Is that just me? Could that be a bug? Like, once the MC calls Argos out, Article 4 is changed, even for unrelated future playthroughs?


This is the article in question. The statement that causes trouble is the "The Master and Foreman are symmetrically bound this Article, including but not limited to not using Hestia's Mirror to bring harm to the Foreman."

Is it possible you are overlooking this particular sentence?

Regardless, I'll check this out in-game as soon as possible. Thank you for bringing it up to us.


Ah, I see now. I thought it had been stated more explicitly in my first playthrough, as in: outright saying Argos could inspect the hotel grounds.  But I must have remembered it wrong.  Sorry for the trouble!


What background is the more developed? The Arts one? 


Right now the Humanities, Arts and Speedrunner backgrounds are the ones with the most unique content. The Leader background has some overlap with Humanities. Humanities and Leader can trick Argos, Arts can talk with Asterion about Notre Dame in Build 0.2 and Speedrunner can make a medallion  for him — which, although amateurish, is appreciated and cherished.

We are looking into adding some time to shine to one background per build. You can expect to see Math, Tech and Leader having some special moments in the upcoming content.

(1 edit) (+2)

I had a thought and it brought a quite persistant doubt to my mind that refused to be left alone. Asterion's wine heals him, however in Ch 2 he uses the last bottle. What are we going to do if he gets hurt and needs the wine? Supposedly that was the last bottle, and Clement was thorough in destroying the others....  Also it seems I found a bug in the humanities route, Asterion remains naked after summoning him clothes, though apparently it said he changed clothes. 


The labyrinth can generate more wine bottles, but how that's done is not something the MC knows about yet.


Ahh, ok. Got it. Thank you.