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Some of the Blue Slimes attack can apply Paralysis and it can last a few turns, but I think it might be able to stun lock you by overwriting the duration if it is reapplied when already affecting you. Slimes always come in the troop of three. The preferred way to beat them is supposed to be either using Ice Magic or physical attacks granted by the Martial Arts or Arms skills. Their Agility is very low so you should almost always act first in a fight and due to a low health pool the Slime should drop from one or two attacks. Using gear with Resilience stat should minimise damage as well.

As I mentioned before, Flax Seeds and Forest Seeds can't be ground into regular Oil, you have to use stuff like Potato Seeds, Saffron Seeds, etc... basically any seeds which are not Forest or Flax.

The suggestion for making the Hero miss hits if he has the Pervert trait is pretty interesting! I'll see if there is an easy way to implement it and if there is I'll add it in next release, otherwise I will have to work on it some more and it will appear later.

Regarding the "gawking at the werewolf's body so I miss a turn", just make it so it doesn't appear TOO often, like maybe a 10-15% chance the hero will be staring at her body if he has the pervert flaw.  Also maybe make it possible that when she realizes the hero's staring at her body she does something like "shove the breasts into the hero's face" causing him to possibly miss a turn? Yanno, because the werewolf's a pervert too...

Curious what it is that causes the hero to successfully hit, as it's kind of annoying when I do a double slash and it's "miss", "miss"! It seems that the hero being affected with frail fever isn't dependent on "infected bite" by the rat - or it's that the bite is infected already, not sure. Does get annoying when I get hit by it though. When the werewolf hits me with lycanthropy  I lose the ability to decide what to do (everything is automatic) is that intentional? 

Be interesting to see the Goblin madam and Saffron yelling at each other at some point, given that Saffron doesn't seem terribly thrilled with the madam (having you steal, er, "borrow", the shoes and the dress). 

I generally put multi hit attacks to have a lower hit chance, about 75% instead of the default 90-95%. I'll take another look at Frail Fever but it shouldn't be possible to get it with the "Bite" because I think Werewolves use the same skill and they don't transfer that disease.

Lycanthropy works like the Berserk state in most RPGs, it pumps up your fighting stats but causes you to just auto-attack every turn.

Well she does wear them when she goes out to "rent" a boyfriend for the night if you turn down her offer of sex as a reward for the dress, so I assume they would have had their argument then! (The argument doesn't actually happen in game though).