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Maybe it's just me, but I felt kind of left out / pushed aside with no background or instructions as to how to play the game. It looks interesting but I never got any further than to the first page.
I think a little of both, but mostly the gameplay I think. The story sounded interesting enough.
After the game had loaded I just jot a screen with a search box. No intro whatsoever and the little I had read from the Itch.io didn't help me much. I tried various commands but getting the "no results" response numerous times got a bit annoying.
How do I play the game on a Mac? The exe file doesn't work for me. Are there instructions for play somewhere?
What on earth are you supposed to do in this game? How do I get to the command-line input and the parser?
So "Her Story" had a clear sense of progress, because things were numbered (I think?) and it was clear (I think?) when you were missing a video between two that you had.
I like the idea of exploring until you've seen enough, and the idea of piecing together a story from documents (ads, bank statements, news articles) is very cool; but it's very hard to know whether you've seen enough. I found, let's see...a photo of the LSCC, a brochure for the LSCC, an article about a football player who entered it, an article about that player's disappearance, a page of other missing people (none of whose names turned up in a search), an ad for a butcher shop, and a bank statement about that butcher shop. Is that everything? No idea.
So...either the LSCC was killing people and giving them to the butcher shop to use as meat; or there was just a butcher shop in town, as there often is, and also some people with no connection between them all went missing at completely different times. I want to draw a connection here, but it's very hard to do without knowing how much more there is to find, or how to find it.
You were just missing a couple of things to do the connection.
From memory if you search “donation” after you see the bank statement it becomes very clear that your first impression is the correct one.
I play tested the game with a couple of people who told me the clues were too “on the nose” originally so that’s why I obscured things a little but it seems like I went too far in the other direction…
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