So I got a bit of an early start last night (friday night in Australia), which is CLOSE enough to the 1st. I had a lot of ideas and have been eager to get into it. Basically wanting to experiment with a soft apocalypse/cosy catastrophe setting; everything being destroyed but so much time has passed that nature has reclaimed the world, and the descendants of the global catastrophe are just... doing fine. They've made a home for themselves .
The world so far is just a tree and rock asset that I made ages ago, and everything else is made up with Unity primitives.

I'm just using a shader that I found that adds shadows to unlit textures, so I VERY quickly could get the look that I wanted.
This morning I worked on the level some more and also started adding actual functionality, I'm using Adventure Creator, a plugin for Unity that's made for creating point and click adventure games (both 2d and 3d), and I've been using it for my personal project (Tala, a 2D adventure game that combines hand animation and photography), so I'm very familiar with getting it working and very quickly getting things playable.
So after I got it vaguely playable I drew up a character I designed a while ago while I was teaching myself Blender and drew and animated a quick talk cycle in the style I wanted.

Here's one of her frames without the awful gif compression.

So yeah, I got a bit of a head start but now it's technically the 1st in Australia so I don't feel tooooo bad. I REALLY wanted to dive into this concept since low poly 3d with billboarded sprites is something I've wanted to explore for a long time and this opportunity is perfect.
Gameplay wise I think it's going to have some basic point and click style puzzles, as well as some scattered tapes around the world that you can collect and take to someone who runs a radio station and add those songs to the background music, which, now that I think of it, is very similar to that anamanaguchi game hahahah. I think I'm going to add in some windmills ala Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind so I can make it relate to the title a bit more, a portmanteau of Waypoint Radio and the episode title Windy City Politics.