Hey everyone! I'm Windy, and I’ll be making a point and click adventure game in Adventure Game Studio (against the advice I’ve been given lmao. Apparently it’s frustrating to use but I invested a bit of time into trying to figure it out already, so I don’t wanna switch at this point aha). The plan is to make a lil game about a detective looking for their hat in their horrible, horrible messy office. It'll be a super short game (guessing it'll be around 5-15m?) with just three rooms.
I've never done any coding before, but leading up to the jam I spent a bit of time (literally 3-5 days) learning HTML/CSS and a tiny, tiny bit of Python. I've been An Art Person for a while (check out my art blog :D?) and I... knew some music theory at one point. So I'm gonna do my best to handle all the assets myself!
And... I'll paste my Day 2 update from tumblr in the post below. Stay tuned?
EDIT: came up with a game title aha