Had a crazy long shift today, but I did figure out one thing for the game: I coded a spinning combination lock!
I wanted one of the last puzzles in the game to be a lock where you have to enter a combination. AGS has a text input box feature, so I could’ve just thrown one in and called it a day, BUT I want my game to have a kinda 50′s aesthetic. So my ambitious ass decided to try to make a combination lock with spinning number dials for an analogue look!
And… it actually works like I want it to, shockingly? Example GIF is below (it’s really ugly lmao).

…Okay, for the placeholder buttons I’m using random sprites that were already in the engine, and the placeholder background image is a random TARDIS pic that was on my computer because I’m tired. The sprite in the top right corner is a back button. SUPER JANKY but I’m planning to spend most of next week on graphics…
BUT YOU KNOW WHAT, the code works, so I’m happy with it for now! I’ve even got it set up to recognize a placeholder combination:

So that’s my progress for today. I’ve got the (majority of the) day off tomorrow, so I’ve got big goals:
- finish first pass of coding (intro, ending, last 15% of game)
- make placeholder images for above
- test the game a little bit
I think I have a decent idea about my working speed now, and I think there’s not tooooo much to do so I can probably maybe get the rest of the coding done tomorrow! I want the game to be almost completely functional ASAP so I can get working on graphics.
this is probably less coherent than usual bc i need to sleeeeep