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A jam submission

Tinker EscapeView game page

Escape the arcane laboratory of the evil Dr. Scaley!
Submitted by sixthgear, Kajace, benjocoltrane, Dentrala — 41 minutes, 57 seconds before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score

Ranked from 27 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

How does your game fit the theme?
Cedric must escape the lab of an evil meglomaniac by scaling the properties of arcanotech devices!

Development Time

96 hours

(Optional) Please credit all assets you've used
- "Kenney Pixel" font by Kenney (
- "Diamond-based Screen Transition" by DDRKirby(ISQ) and mackatap (
- Door Unlock sound effect by Aturax Audio (
- Modifier "Future UI" sound effects by Shapeforms (
- Everything else by us!

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Love the art style and the concept. I think you could do a lot with it if you were turning it into a full puzzle game. Also really polished considering the short timeline. Great work!


Thanks very much! Thank you for playing!!!!!! :)


Ooh, I really enjoyed the puzzle design and concept. This gameplay has a lot of appeal to a programming mindset, and might be a good way to teach the concept of variables and attributes to learners!

My only gripe is I managed to soft-lock the game by getting pinned to a wall by a tall block on a conveyor I had just flipped to moving left at the bottom floor of one of the stages.


Thank you for checking out our little game! We have planned fixes for lots of things, and we are grateful for the feedback! Glad you enjoyed it!


Loved the style, looks very proper and appealing. I didn't realize that my volume was a bit high, intro sfx got me there :D Well done!


Thank you for playing! Alas, I probably should have lowered the volume in the intro sequence. Glad you enjoyed it!


Great puzzles! Loved the art style and clever game design. But restarting all the way back from the start when i got stuck was a bit annoying


Yeah sorry about that restarting bug. I fixed it too late for the jam deadlne 😭.  Thanks for playing and rating!


Really cool concept and nice aesthetics! Puzzles (as far as I've played) were pretty simplistic, but otherwise well designed. It took me a long time to figure out I could close the interaction menu with E, I really wish it was possible to click outside the interaction menu to close it since you're already using your mouse at that point. Got to what I suppose is the final room, saw a -2 that I could never reach fall down into the abyss, watched a couple of other boxes follow it, decided to go down there myself because I didn't see anything else to do and would have needed to replay the entire game afterwards? No, thanks. Still, there's a lot of really neat things here already and this definitely has the potential to become a cool puzzle platformer with a little UX tweaking, great job!


Thanks so much for playing! Great feedback. Thank you for that! :)


Cool puzzle game, Needs a level reset instead of a game reset in case you get stuck


thanks for the feedback! originally, the reset game feature was only meant for debugging, and we forgot to remove it once we submitted it! Thanks for playing, will update the game soon!


I really like the pixel art and dialogue, (especialy the flying crocodile, sorry if it's not a croco ahah) also the transition animation is super cool !! Congrats on making this game !!


Thank you so much! Really appreciate you taking the time to play. :)

Haha amazing! It isn't a crocodile, but similarly reptilian-ish... we tried to make the Doctor like a Kobold (which, just in case you aren't familar, is a fictional type of creature from Dungeons & Dragons.)

Thanks again! :)


Great game and idea, it left me wanting more!


So glad you enjoyed it! We plan to make more levels soon. Thanks for playing!


Didnt expect to be scared by a puzzle platformer lol.

Really love this game, bringing me back to childhood in a good way!


Haha Thank you! Thanks so much. :)

Submitted (1 edit)

The first thing that struck me was the art, the color pallet and  the cute animations!
I had to restart the game few times because I got stuck on the wall with the belt pushing on me the block and you just get stuck in the wall and have to restart from start :D, but other than that, the game feels polished, movements a bit floaty but other than that the idea is really nice! Maybe make it so we can add and remove the modifiers with clicking instead of dragging. Also would be nice to have a "tab" button to open up a little inventory of your modifiers, or have physical small blocks added to the character or something in between like little colorful particles that floats around the character like the key. 
Plus when I got stuck I just left it, and left to get something to eat, came back and started working, with the music playing in the background for a good 30 min before I realized it's been an hour, send help. So the music is also very nice! Loved playing it! Great job.

Developer (1 edit)

Great Feedback. I really appreciate your ideas! Thanks. Great stuff for us to implement & consider. Thank you so much for taking the time to play! Also, thank you for the comment about the music. My very first time making music for a game so that means a lot! :)


this is really a extraordinary game, loved it!!

had a lot of fun and felt like a hacker hehe this game has a lot of potential!!

very charming graphics and dialogue system! music is also fitting!


  • make the controls even simpler, maybe make your pieces always visible (in the UI) and hover mouse on a equipment to interact with it.  in this version i have to do a bit of work to use them.
  • the restart button takes me to the very start of the game :( noooo
  • once the player get a grasp of the game, make more diverse objects appear, even if they are useless in the puzzle. by now it is a bit linear for a puzzle game (for my taste). 

congrats!! this is one of the best games ive seen in the jam 🙂👍🏼


Thank you so much for playing! We will probably publish an updated version sometime after the jam's done, so we will probably have time to add some of the features you suggested. So glad you enjoyed it, it warms my heart that this is one of the best games you've played in this jam. :):):):):):):):):) Thank you!!!


Thank you so much for taking the time to play! I really appreciate your thoughtful feedback. I absolutely loved your game!


I really like the color palette! The mechanics of changing object parameters was cool too. I think this could make a nice big project.


That's so nice of you to say! Thanks for playing! :)


Quite fun! I got stuck in some level and I pressed “R” to reset it, which to my surprise, sent to very beginning of the game, which was kind of a bummer. But that aside, I loved it!


That's helpful feedback! Thanks :) Thanks so much for playing!!


This was a very fun concept, love the idea and the art style! The puzzles were very fun to figure out


Thanks very much :)


so glad you enjoyed it!!!


I love this. Great concept, great execution


thanks for playing! glad you enjoyed :D


Thanks so much! 


Interesting mechanics. Nice job!


so glad you enjoyed it!

very fun, would play more :)

(also I found a bug where if you have the interact menu open during a screen transition it gets stuck on screen and you can't interface with it anymore)


Thanks so much. So happy that you had fun with it. We had a great time making it. If only there was more time....  ;)

(Thanks for reporting the bug) :D