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A jam submission

Reality DefendersView game page

Fly, kill, collect.
Submitted by CocoLovesYou — 1 hour, 5 minutes before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score

Ranked from 24 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

How does your game fit the theme?
You change the size of your player character, being fast and mobile when small and terrifyingly powerful when gigantic.

Development Time

96 hours

(Optional) Please credit all assets you've used
AllIn1VFXTtoolkit & Free stylized skybox

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Had to adjust the mousse sensitivity but other than that, the game is really good!!

Streamed today!!


Thank you for playing and linking your vod! Love seeing how people approach games I make!


Good work, had some little issues with controls and cameras but its a fun game and an original interpretation of the theme :D


Love a good kaiju fight!

Lots of intense juice, I think it added to the feeling.
Iwould have loved some additional enemies though, I ended getting a hang of it early on and started admiring the city scape instead. 

Overall good work!


I liked the particles and effects, they contributed to the juiciness of the game!


really fun game, i like the physics and momentum when flying

Submitted (1 edit) (+2)

really nice remainds me of mineccraft elitra minigames 

rate my game


Sometimes it was hard to aim correctly at the circles when flying but it was really fun to play. Loved flying and using the laser. 


I like the heavy use of action lines!


Really fun, really stylish. This could be really really cool after some extra development time


I can see myself losing a lot of hours once the game play loop is iterated on and levels are fleshed out.

Only noticeable issue I ran into on both web and Windows version is the camera zooming out pretty far when stopping in the flying mode (compared to the zoom when flying). Otherwise I think a farther camera when in grounded mode might help with perspective. 

Note: I'm on ultra wide so could be something on my end.

The idea is that having the camera zoomed out while flying you get to see the map better, allowing you to easily see where enemies are, we didn't test it in ultra wide though. Glad you still enjoyed the game!

Submitted (1 edit) (+2)

Really liked the gameplay, audio and art of the game!


Really interesting concept. I actually saw a similar idea at Day of the Devs so I think you are on to something. The gameplay is fun but I do wish I moved a little bit faster as the mech. Love the idea of swapping back between ground and plane mode I think there is a lot to expand on for that.  Using the blaster is satisfying and the plane controls were good for me (I just needed to turn up my mouse sensitivity to make it a bit more comfy). I think the advice you got for rings to be upgrades instead of ammo would make the gameplay even better for sure as you wouldn't be pulled from battle to reload as often. 

Love the art style, and the screen effects. I think both added a nice amount of juice to the game.
Great Job Overall! 


Great job.

Contrary to what was said in other comments, I had no issues with the controls or the camera.

The idea is cool and well implemented, but I think, in my humble opinion, that you ran into a fundamental contradiction in your game design. The player is supposed to explore the world you crafted, but they are incentivized to stay near the base and keep collecting the same rings over and over to recharge the energy. If I explore, I take the risk of getting lost and not coming back in time to save my base. Basically, I'm punished for exploring.

You could try and nudge the incentives a bit. Like, maybe I can find upgrades when exploring. Or maybe the game is more arcade and the rings don't respawn, so I have to go further and further to get enough ammo. Or maybe I need to find a specific resource to wall off my base and "win"...

I also agree with another reviewer that the theme is not really present in your game. But I don't really care, because IMO the theme is only there to boost creativity (and to prevent people from submitting a game made before the jam ^^)

Anyway, good job :-) This game has some potential and you can rework it to make it better!


Thank you for your feedback!

The long range of the laser helps with the issue a little bit, since you can defend the base from the tall buildings that are far away. We did want to do bigger rewards the further away from base you were, but I may or may not have gotten distracted making particles. 


Ahhh, indeed, I didn't try defending from the top of a building! It's so obvious now that you say it.


Great job.

Contrary to what was said in other comments, I had no issues with the controls or the camera.

The idea is cool and well implemented, but I think, in my humble opinion, that you ran into a fundamental contradiction in your game design. The player is supposed to explore the world you crafted, but they are incentivized to stay near the base and keep collecting the same rings over and over to recharge the energy. If I explore, I take the risk of getting lost and not coming back in time to save my base. Basically, I'm punished for exploring.

You could try and nudge the incentives a bit. Like, maybe I can find upgrades when exploring. Or maybe the game is more arcade and the rings don't respawn, so I have to go further and further to get enough ammo. Or maybe I need to find a specific resource to wall off my base and "win"...

I also agree with another reviewer that the theme is not really present in your game. But I don't really care, because IMO the theme is only there to boost creativity (and to prevent people from submitting a game made before the jam ^^)

Anyway, good job :-) This game has some potential and you can rework it to make it better!


Interesting mix of two gameplay styles. This has good potential if it was polished more.


The camera needs some improvement, especially when transitioning between shoot mode and fly mode. 

I'm impressed you created a full 3D flying shooter in the time we were given, The shooting works and the laser mode was fun.

I had fun with flying.

I like the graphics. A little bit of contrast might help to have your character stand out from the environment.

Music got a little repetitive. 

I don't feel like this game has any new mechanics, and the mechanics it does have don't feel like a great fit for the theme. 


Freaking awesome game!!!! I love the hoop and transforming was a blast!


I loved the flying part, it was certainely fun. Althrough i had some issues with the camera and the movements, but i really liked the game especially that it was made in such a short time span


Movement is kinda wonky but game is looking nice

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