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A member registered 99 days ago · View creator page →

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fun and well executed

bit wierd movment cutscens are fun and over all good game

fun and cool art





cool art and music but am 14 and dont know how taxex work

so fun 

good game but there are bugs

really nice art is this a scriptable pipleine?

really impressive for a scratch game like the movment and the physics but am pretty sure you cant do that

dont worry i wont report you

great idea and cool movment but the background and forground dont mex very well

good job

oh sorry

by goofy you mean fun or you mean that the game sucks

really cool game love the art and the story

fun but really hard and i really  like the low poly lit art 

great take on the theme no complains

best game that i played this jam real fun kinda hard at the start but once you figure out how the scaling works its super fun

really fun could sit there for hours

rate my game!

(1 edit)

really nice remainds me of mineccraft elitra minigames 

rate my game

(1 edit)

really nice take on the theme and i like the art

rate my game

(1 edit)

To finish a level you have to collect all the needles and walk thro the door in time

will update after the jam

have no idea what am doing but its super fun

thanks and most work took decaiding on the idea 

real fun but physics are bit junky any chance you are from georgia

check my game out!

really like the game

(1 edit)

tooo hard rest is awsome

really good visuals and catchy controlls

really cool game injoyed a lot

really cool animations and ui and good controls

really good

really cool take on the theme

original idea really liked it  

rate my game!


pretty fun

rate my game

nice game really good art and fun take on the theme 

rate my game!

(1 edit)

really injoyed it cool game remained me of dani's old games 

check my game out

check my game out