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What submissions by other people do you really like?

A topic by Harrison Gowland created Aug 05, 2019 Views: 63
Viewing posts 1 to 1

There's a lot of threads talking about rating swapping which is totally legit and I'm 100% down, and I've been taking part myself, but to switch gears for a sec: what submissions have you seen so far by others that you really like?

I'll go first: so far I really like enoc by That's Boring, the art style is really neat, the premise is cool, and the time limit is a nice addition that adds an additional, fair layer of difficulty to what's already quite a challenging experience.

I'm also a massive fan of the premise of Detective Whodunit by FredCham, a game where you have to find clues by taking the personalities of the various actors in the tableaux of crime that you're trying to unravel, there are a couple of puzzles that I couldn't work my head around but it looks incredible and the underlying idea is really clever.

Jordan Han's Flight of the Electrodud is also one that I really like, it's an endless runner with only one button, the art style is slick, it's fast paced enough to keep you on your feet, there's a clear victory state and all in all you can tell a lot of heart went into the design.

I love the art style and simplistic gameplay of Scario88's Cyan, a platformer with only one colour and only one powerup where you lose certain abilities once you power up but can't complete the level until you do, it creates a neat dichotomy of gameplay that requires you to plan in advance before making certain moves and I like the strategic elements of it.

Have you found any you really like? Have you played any of the ones I'm posting about? Let me know!