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Mahamba updated a game 182 days ago
A downloadable game for Windows.
Updated title and page content.
1 new upload: 146 MB
Mahamba updated a game 237 days ago
A downloadable game for Windows.
Updated title and page content. Added platform Windows.
Emir Zeylan updated a VR Game 250 days ago
A downloadable VR Game.
Updated page content.
1 new upload:
ProjectKLastVersion.rar.torrent 112 kB
Emir Zeylan published a VR Game 252 days ago
A downloadable VR Game.
Project K — Это небольшое продолжение (неофициальное) более старого проекта под названием "Behind the Doors", история серии "Project K" рассказывае...
Petty Glare published a game 252 days ago
A downloadable game for Windows.
Take on the role of a bounty hunter in a struggling city overrun by ruthless bandits. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- About: A game started within a gamejam inside of my univ...
sorawaslocked published a game 252 days ago
A downloadable game.
The game is in the earliest state it could be, because I managed my time poorly and forced myself to learn Godot4 from scratch the entire sunday. The main idea was to make a game about a retired hitman who is forced to fall back into his ol...
Fahrpeek published a game 252 days ago
A downloadable game for Windows.
In the chilling world of "Just-ICE," a once-peaceful ice cube family faced an unthinkable threat when humans disrupted their serene lives. The heartless act of capturing ice cube members for lemonade consumption sparked the ire of a courage...
perpavbek published a game 252 days ago
A downloadable game for Windows.

По задумке, сюжет игры заключался в том, что ученик некого университета получил несправедливо низкую оценку за работу и теперь хочет пробраться в ночное здание, взломать LMS и исправить оценку. Управление в игре настроено на WASD, поворот фонарика с помощью мыши. Вся графика была нарисована самостоятельно. Игра не закончена.

Kizushi published a game 252 days ago
A downloadable game for Windows.
Коррупция - главный враг общества. Мы долгое время жили под гнетом, теперь настал час справедливости. Ваша цель уничтожит как можно...
A downloadable game for Windows.
Эта игра сделана для GDC JAM 2023 September. Эта игра заставит вас задуматься о жизни и о верности выбора, о правде и справедливости. Thanks for assets...
Mahamba published a game 252 days ago
A downloadable game for Windows.
Movement keys: WAD + SPACE movement, Mouse1 + Mouse2 attack, E - to interract Story: The world has lost its former balance 600 years ago, during which time the old world collapsed and people of modern times created a new world, with complet...