In this 2D game, our character has the mission of completing his journey by alternating the two dimensions presented to him pressing the "Space" key. Made by: Hector Gil, Aniol Juillé and Aida Ramírez
Para&Lel Para i Lel, els protagonistes del nostre joc, treballen en conjunt per arribar a les majors altures possibles. Per desgràcia per ells, habiten en dues realitats diferents, així que no es poden donar un cop de mà. Però, que és...
Follow the adventures of an intrepid tadpole who transforms into a charming frog on his quest to complete the cycle of life. The story begins with Ribbit, a brave young tadpole, determined to get to the place where he can lay his eggs and c...
Una niña llamada Luna ve como su infancia queda interrumpida debido a que la guerra ha llegado a su ciudad. Con tal de conservar su cordura, crea un mundo paralelo en su cabeza donde nada ha cambiado y todo es perfecto. Sin embargo, mientr...
Apolo té problemes a l’hora de controlar les seves emocions. Un dia decideix fer un viatge per trobar la felicitat i la estabilitat emocional mentre evita que la ràbia i la tristesa el controlin. CONTROLS Left Click - Jump Right Click -...
Hiperespai Hiperespai is a game developed during the first GameJam Girona at El Modern with GameGi. It explores what happens when your spaceship enters a wormhole and enters the sub-physic space of parallel realities to travel to another po...