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So many jams!!

A topic by Chaos315 created Aug 14, 2020 Views: 299 Replies: 12
Viewing posts 1 to 4
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Hmm, I did the fresh game jam,  another one, and now extra credits says, so what if we made a jam pretty much the hour you get back from vacation, this is not sarcasm. But great time

also what engine do you use, I use unity


same, i too use unity


yeah i use unity

I'm a GameMaker kind of guy, though depending on the theme I might use Unity. Heck, I might try this Core thing out.

I also have A question , can you use assets like, fonts and art? As long as you have the license for it


Absolutely! We strongly encourage people to use public assets to help save them time. 


Yeah. A ton of "famous" jams. 

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I know I’m just listing the ones that I was in, I wasn’t even expecting anyone to know what they were


By "famous" I meant jams thata lot of  people participate.

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Yeah, I do want to join one though.  Really the only ones I’ve heard of are gmtk, and the brackeys ones


actually I just realized one of them has more people joined than this jam.

But the you tuber who created it  was way smaller than extra credits.  My guess is because his channel was all about game development.

Or just people had more time

well not anymore.  This one just passed it