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Spy SchoolView game page

characters are sprites, game is 3D, the goal for this game is to be a stealth one
Submitted by — 2 days, 21 hours before the deadline
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New character is hnnng-tier. I really dig your style - both in terms of character and in level design. Tutorial is nice, but too railroady - wish I could fail. I did fail a couple of times - but it softlocked the game.

Very nice progress, keep it up!


Thanks a lot for trying it again!!

I tried to replicate the fullscreen issue you had when you started the game, but couldn't and i'm wondering if that was because you had an old save? I changed the way the screen resolutions work since last DD, so that might be what caused this particular issue.

Also, yeah i'm still working on the tutorial and i'm planning to add more stuff like dialogues with the robot, and maybe a guard or two once i finish reworking their AI


I like the sprites for the characters, story bit is intriguing. I love all the movement that you have here, but jumping and vaulting is clunky.

You can vault over ice cream chests into the wall. You can vault over a lot of things, it's just here I could get out of bounds. On some counters if I would stand between a cups and the wall I would start to fall and get stuck.

The far part of the bed is bugged, I can crouch near the wall.

Doors that are open by the guard can still be interacted and the character will say that the door is closed.

I wasn't able to finish the demo, after downloading the files I wasn't able to talk with Evie.

I started a new game after falling off the roof and immediately died in this new game (checked more, I am dying every time I load or start a new game, its a hardlock). It still spawns more and more tutorial tips. Relaunching the game fixed it.

I love the style of this game, interested how the full mission will look like. Good luck with your game!


Thanks for the long post!

I think i already fixed in the latest version i uploaded the evie issue (wrong script attached) and tweaked the character controller a bit to avoid clipping through walls as easily. (it still isn't as good as i want it to though)

As for the saving issue with the tutorial, and the dialogue still popping when it shouldn't thanks for figuring that out

I barely had time to "finish" the tutorial but i'm going to polish it in the coming weeks (adding dialogues to Hannah, to the robot, writing the end of the tutorial scene...)

Thanks for giving it a try!!


Strange, I am sure I was on the latest version, but today I couldn't replicate that dialogue break.

But, I found a spot without any collision, it's a window near the crate.

I found a new way to hard-lock the game, if you enter the pause screen in any dialogue, you lock any interaction and you can't exit.

I checked "new game" mechanic, it saves a lot of data of your previous playthrough, but saving - buying stuff/hurting yourself - loading different save, looks stable with no inventory changes or energy difference.

Bonus, if you run vault into the bed, you can get easily stuck and receive fall damage. :)


works much better now!
still some glitches with clipping here and there:

if you sprint while in an air duct you clip and can see what's above you

at one point i basically teleported to the upper floor by.... opening a door above me?

pressing F to talk to the characters at the very end did not work

  • sn-... snake?
  • good movement, surprised me a bit
  • wish i could interact with robot
  • i peeped into the break room but then couldnt get the menu up to unlock the doors. when i did, whatever i selected said it was locked
  • i ran and a guard ran up to me, but im guessing there is no attack AI because he just stood there. i could never leave hotzone after that
  • not all vents on level 2 very exitable3
  • i had no idea what to do in the school, ran around for 10-15 min. im going to assume there is no goal currently

You have many mechanics that work well, good job :) look forward to trying the next one


Thanks for trying it out!!

I'll let the player interact with the robot in the next update, i just didn't have time to write its dialogues yet.

Yeah for now "unlock" and "knock" don't do anything, they're "placeholders" for the interact more menu, which i'll change a bit too

The guard AI is kind of broken since i updated the game to Godot 4.3, and i need to work on it to handle multiple guards anyway

Yeah i locked some vents and doors in the dorms to keep the player from going into the empty ones. there is a little goal in the dorms, you need to interact with the computer in the guards room and report back to Evie, but that's a bit of a "placeholder" quest right now

Submitted (2 edits) (+1)

Hello, off the get go 0.6gb for this game is too much BUT you probably have a solution for this, at the same time though game size doesnt matter nowadays so its kinda of a nodev observation.

First dialogue/cutscene is nice, ok i just reached the weird nurse, hornybait! Can i skip it? Why does the loading screen girl have tits!

Moving feels nice, already getting kino vibes, crouching walking crawling, imsim vibes?

Uhmm crouched in the kitchen in the corner, got out of the weird building and then into the crate but the [find a way to reach outside was not checked] so i could not progress.

Fun but the tutorial/prologue filtered me.


Thanks for trying it out!

Last DD, i think the game was around 1.5gb and yeah i'm sure i could still make it lighter

I have to fix the clipping issue, everyone crawled through the wall, but if you want to see what comes next, to get out of the tutorial building, you just have to crawl through a vent you can access by climbing on top of the freezer


game's broken

i glitched through the floor by crouching behind the bed

then i was able to get out of bounds, walking around the mountains and even reached the box early

when i got back there was probably some kind of save conflict, with multiple objectives up at the same time

when i tried again i just got softlocked during a cutscene.


I really like your game, the style is good and the atmosphere of the levels.

But I can’t play more on this build, first I softlocked by glitching through the wall (please make it so the intermediate objectives are optional) and then wanting to start a second time I locked the game by clicking through the initial dialogue as fast as possible (please add a button to skip the complete "cut scene")

Going to try again next DD!!


It barely ran on my toaster so I can't give it much criticism.  I did like the VN introduction part (I skipped it because I'd already seen it). However, I did find a game-breaking bug at 13:15 and what seems to be another bug at around 10:00 (I'm not sure if you're supposed to do that). I played the native Linux version.


Thanks for trying it out!

Yeah i can see that there are some issues...

What's your PC setup like?

And yeah i forgot to turn the backface collision on the grid, thanks for pointing that out, i'm fixing it right now


It's 4GB RAM bad. I think I'll have replace it soon. I doubt anyone here has a worse PC than mine, but my suggestion is to add an option to disable some shadows/shaders or reduce render distance for low-end computers.