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M in the middle

A member registered May 23, 2020 · View creator page →

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Hey, as I am getting this is remaster of your old project.

I love different characters, but I wouldn't say that Rosemary is easier, because her special doesn't clear the screen as Lucie's and doesn't destroy the bullets. Dialogues show only Lucy no matter the character you chose.

Some times bosses brain completely turns off if you continuously hold fire button throughout the dialogue.

After looping 3-4 times the game crashed, but it saved my HS.

Right now there no music implemented into the game and the sounds are spammed a lot so even with low volume it becomes quite loud. 

Good luck fellow witch-dev!

Strange, I am sure I was on the latest version, but today I couldn't replicate that dialogue break.

But, I found a spot without any collision, it's a window near the crate.

I found a new way to hard-lock the game, if you enter the pause screen in any dialogue, you lock any interaction and you can't exit.

I checked "new game" mechanic, it saves a lot of data of your previous playthrough, but saving - buying stuff/hurting yourself - loading different save, looks stable with no inventory changes or energy difference.

Bonus, if you run vault into the bed, you can get easily stuck and receive fall damage. :)

I like the sprites for the characters, story bit is intriguing. I love all the movement that you have here, but jumping and vaulting is clunky.

You can vault over ice cream chests into the wall. You can vault over a lot of things, it's just here I could get out of bounds. On some counters if I would stand between a cups and the wall I would start to fall and get stuck.

The far part of the bed is bugged, I can crouch near the wall.

Doors that are open by the guard can still be interacted and the character will say that the door is closed.

I wasn't able to finish the demo, after downloading the files I wasn't able to talk with Evie.

I started a new game after falling off the roof and immediately died in this new game (checked more, I am dying every time I load or start a new game, its a hardlock). It still spawns more and more tutorial tips. Relaunching the game fixed it.

I love the style of this game, interested how the full mission will look like. Good luck with your game!

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Those game are actually funny.

  • Ending for the fisher game was funny, but previous level wasn't that polished, it is hard to catch the target because the model is bigger, but the line of sight is still the same (I placed the cursor to find it)
  • JRPG one was really funny, I first timed each level and last one made me audibly laugh.
  • I loved little tunes for wizard's danse, but I was never sure if I hit the note at the right time, little circles over the buttons weren't making me sure and each time I was surprised how accurate I was in reality.
  • Shooting mini game could become a pretty funny story.
  • Shoot-em up has an interesting parry mechanic.

I finished all games, platformer is the worst one, mostly because jumping and falling are too fast and platforms that are dragging the player.

Good luck with your mini-game collection, hope to see more fun and creative levels that are subversive in their design.

Yeah, sadly I wasn't able to even partly realise what I wanted for this DD, so it was quickly glued together.

The jank is truly more visible with this level design, it is probably because I use box shaped trigger for ground checks, gotta raycast capsule for more accurate checks.

If you collected all 3 and talked to her, there should be portal behind her. I just didn't wrote dialogues after that, that's why she uses random ones.

I used one of other tunes that I wrote, it is not finished. I still plan to use older one in some way or another.

Thank you for your feedback, I will return with better demo next time.

Error messages are a joke. A lot of things broke closely to DD, so I played into it.

Not sure what you mean about camera controls. I have sensitivity settings in the settings menu. Maybe you mean that the camera shakes on character movement?

Yeah, I was always postponing this bug, finally gonna fix it.

Thank you for giving my demo a try.

The whole level was build from scratch and wasn't tested, not sure why you couldn't move, probably dialogue script broke something.

Character easily collides with anything, probably removing ability to move in air will help with that and will make controls "weight" more.

Yeah, camera shakes mostly because I remade movement script and now camera and movement not in sync, will look into it.

Thank you for testing my game!

(1 edit)

The melee combat became much harder, they block/parry and attack you endlessly. You don't want to fight 1v1 right now. (it is good)

I LOVE how you can jump on walls, I started to to tricks into drop-kicking enemies and landing on them afterwards.
I am not sure since when, but I like power attacks with melee weapons, but it is hard to use if you are not kiting.

Really love the kit that you have right now, sadly only truly usable item with this map is banana for health, bow>suricen in any scenario, caltrops and smoke are only usable if you don't want to fight, but it is easy to outran+jump away from the enemies, maybe if there would be some enemy that you don't want to fight into their face (fully metal samurai) or someone that can't let you simply ran away (dogs/cavalry).

  • If I kill anyone with the bow, my after image spawns over the dead body.
  • A lot of times enemies prioritize removing arrows/suricens rather than doing anything, so you can spam them with the bow easily.

Good luck with your game!

(1 edit)

Music is great. Really cool to see all UI physically in the cockpit.
I love those boosters and how landing makes an impact.

Mirror match up vs Nayla felt really good at first, but you can easily overpower her when she tries to retreat to heal up.

  • On tutorial map "The construct" jump booster doesn't work. (edit: it works, I am dumb-dumb, you need to jump on the jump-pad)
  • You can't select primary weapon while sprinting.

Each DD game is getting better and better. Can't wait to fight some kind of metal gear.

Really like the concept, the game looks great!

I love how grand and empty the world feels. How pits don't let you just mindlessly press gas. Scavenging/surviving aspect of the game. 

I hope you would add more item shapes for that Inventory tetris gameplay.

It is hard to read the map, a lot of times I couldn't understand where are pits/hills. The highway is too linear, for some parts it feels like it has only one entry point and million up's&down's into another highway.

Enemies look great, but they lose you really fast, don't see me when I am close or agro when they can't reach me. Hope to see harder variants (no radar/mimic ect.)

One time I was riding for a long time in search of the items that were above me. Maybe you could show if item on the radar is upper/lower than you?

  • If you enter the inventory while moving your camera, it saves the velocity and continues to rotate.
  • Sometimes when I try to place things item starts shaking.
  • Some roads are generated with sharp drops/climbs.

I really enjoyed the atmosphere of this game and would love to see how it will turns out.

Nice, you are now can't jump high like crazy :D

But there some other problems, it's now harder to jump with high frame rate -

Some stuff I got only by playing on weak pc, like how you can jump over invisible wall on the end of 1-st demo and fall out of the map - crash the game.

I wasn't able to replicate it on my main machine (but I didn't tried to change FR on monitors to the lowest, maybe later)

There are some inconsistencies with dialogues, some are skippable by pressing Interact or Cancel, some by only Interact (like roof exit in 1st demo).

Blorb easter egg dialogue is bugged, if you press only z - you will never exit dialogue and it will just reset itself on last message.

If you pause mid air and try to move, Dirk visually starts to stand in air (after pause he will fall normally)

You need to accept your new key binds and they don't reset if you didn't, I stun locked myself for some time thinking "why my jump button didn't change, it is changed in controls)

Sadly, I didn't have a lot of time, so again, nothing about 2nd demo.

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Well, I do not know Love engine, but maybe you could check how high you are from starting position and stop immediately after getting over normal jump high?
If second demo wouldn't block me as much, I could bug-hunt it more :)

Forgot to mention this typo(?), when you give bird back and ask about "admiral's quirks". (masself - myself)

Thank you for playing my game!

Gonna work on readability of my dialogues ;)

(1 edit)

Ok, I played a little bit more with combos, you can even press M2 and hold it, after that choose what button for combo you want to use.
It made it a little bit easier fighting 1vX.
Falling attack is fine, but maybe you could add some air-ground attack (like dropkick) and make "falling axe kick" by holding button down?
Want to point out this again - I am fine with being "one shotted".
It only feels unfair to me because I never got any chance after getting ragdolled. (maybe they could at least hit me hard enough to ragdoll me away, rn they just place me on the ground)

Good luck with combat balancing!

A little bit late one.

I am not too sharp with quests, so I walked around for quite some time.
Maybe you could give a little bit light around the player, because slowly rotating flashlight or running into object to correct the flashlight direction isn't smooth.
Light flickering kinda bothered me, I could finally roam around without hitting every object, but lights were out quite frequently and for a good time. (maybe you could keep the whole flickering, but please make the dark times short)
TTS use is interesting, it's the most scary part right now :D
Interactions were always getting me, I always thought that after text description it will close the interaction box, but it didn't and I inspected (or took) something immediately.
You have second plant in cafeteria (right-up) that doesn't have ANY interactions, but it opens the interaction box.
Flavour text is fun.
Not sure where I got code for elevator (probably didn't read hard enough)

ZCRPG (Zabroshka Communism Role Playing Game) is interesting, would love to see more of it in the future. (hopefully with more light c; )

hedges that are big enough that they probably should block the camera
Not sure what do you mean, right now camera pans closer only with the house, in the previous version it was triggered by any tree and rock. I could make camera move closer with big and unique objects only (to not make it shaky again). 

I removed delay for camera panning back already, now it is instant.

"Evil sorcerer" has badly made custom collision, I guess it has some holes where character could get into.
I moved pumpkin spirit interaction box higher to make it not overlap with item interaction. Maybe I could move dialogue farther back.

Shadow blow was fun to implement without any tutorial.

I do not understand what is choppy about camera movement on the platforms, could you provide the example? Plus to that, not sure if you could control update method for cinemachine.

Thank you! 
Your last feedback made my game better :)

It looks awesome!

Really love the whole medieval caste became cyberpunk slums style for the level.
How snow gets thrown around if you roll in it, after water is flowing down the character.
Sound is great, really like the music.

Sword attacks quite far, some hits looks unfair (to the enemies)
Health save really weird, each time I launch the game, UI shows some empty bars in the middle or I die in one hit

I just launched the game and I died in one hit.

Item wheel really sensitive.
I fallen out of the map, reset the level thought the console command and all chests broke (everything else works just fine)

Really interested to see full level.

I see hologram girl. I do the funny.

Huh, I do use custom fonts, I guess they look default.
Camera and characters turning are instant, right now I use LookAt, would write something myself in the future.
Dialogue marks were drawn by me in 2 min. Originally it was 3d model, but it looked bad, so I changed it.


Wouldn't say I wanted it to look psychedelic XD
I totally understand models/materials, but what do you mean "stock interaction ui"?
Yeah, probably would remake the whole map with less dependence on the moving platforms.
Glad you liked my direction oriented ledge animations :D

That's a really good quest/adventure game!

Love the art, some areas are obvious WIP, but it looks great none the less.
I read all text, but still, some placeholder music/ambient would work wonders.

If you spam down button on stairs, you can push the camera a little bit down, but not move at stairs, so you can throw the camera as down as you want (it only works down, going up the steps doesn't work, camera resets when you finally start moving on the stairs).

I could fall over the map here, if you walk he will go over and fall over the map, you need to jump over to get to the next screen.

looking at some items in the inventory break the game randomly. (looking at the flower with 3's in sneak and agility):
player.lua:486: attempt to get length of global 'equipList' (a nil value)
player.lua:486: in function 'update'
main.lua:244: in function 'update'
[C]: in function 'xpcall'

For second version:
You can get "stuck" in some geometry (got here by jumping, you can jump out but still):

Jumping as the whole is kinda broken, oh, you have problem with refresh rate of the monitor, with higher rate you jump much higher (every animation becomes faster too?) -

Only in the second version, sometimes game takes your movement away, you could still jump and use inventory/menu, but not move.

Overall, combat feels wonky, you can easily launch enemies on ladders or other platforms and it becomes weird fight if they are not gonna go down themselves.

Game is great! I do love the different paths that you could make either with your stats or your items.
Sounds crazy to scope, but you done great for this slices.
It has a lot of content already, I enjoyed the dialogues and puzzles, some objects have quite a big/small interaction box (like cell door in the first demo could be open with the key from far away or bird nest could be interacted only from the right)

Good luck Dirking around with your game!

Thank you for playing!

Yeah, a lot of models have standard blender material after exporting, I should re-export some flat models + make materials for them.

Hmm, I thought I nuked all platforms that required syncing, you can easily jump over several stone platforms at a time, but sure, will look into that in a new level.

Ok, I think I got what you are saying, I will look into redoing character control to have some weight, maybe it will play better.

Yes, I do have consistency problems, I understand the thing about taste, but I am not satisfied with how the game looks too.

Thanks for idea, will look into that after some time fiddling with my plans.

Thank you again for providing your opinion, good luck with your projects!

I loved it!

  • For some reason it freezes at first shot, but after that everything is good.
  • It is really fun to tear through horde of enemies.
  • Game really likes to spawn enemies on any "action" map, after ~100 seconds it starts to spawns them so much, that the game starts to lag really hard (I could reliably kill enough enemies on "Ol' Reilable", so I played it much more than arcade map)
  • Text tutorial didn't work for me, I am still not sure why sometimes C re-buys selected item (even if I have it), sometimes when I hold C it heals me.
  • I am not always sure if something is hitting me (red mark on UI doesn't show melee hits?)
  • It is cool to break some small items in the arena, would love to break something more impactful (like blow up road bridge to block some path)
  • I do like the art and music/sounds in game.
  • It feels cheap, but you can fast swap all weapons and increase your DPS a ton.
  • I do not like how explosions launch enemies around, most of the time melee enemies launches closer to me and rocket enemies get stuck high on walls.
  • It is cool that most of the UI is in mech. (but you can't see what weapon is next)

Small bugs:

  • Fullscreen option just minimizes the game.
  • Dialogue still plays even if you pause the game.
  • If you still hold LMB and change from machine-gun, sound will still play.

For some reason image with shader didn't loaded for you.

It works fine in my browser:

Probably need to make small tutorial or write all player actions in description :)

Some item interactions have several connected dialogues, like mushroom or several random lines, probably could show it better.

(1 edit)

Delay before it moves back
I am still not sure how to make better camera with cinemachine, I can make it snap instantly, but I feel this would be too shaky. (okay,  it's fine, now it snaps instantly, thanks for tip)

Animations, playermodel
Its my first game animation/model originally made for gamejam so it is really junky, maybe I could make better model in the near future c:

Flat Shaded
Yeah, two day before DD. I for some reason wanted to make models smooth shaded, but didn't do it with all models. (trees, rocks, platforms)

It's a new model and I didn't make a good custom collision for it.

Web, Application.Quit
Probably for web version next time I need launch player to the main menu XD

Controls are Wonky
What exactly is the problem? I am still not sure how you need to work with Rigidbody, rn I just setting/stopping the velocity.

I don't like the Artstyle
To be fair, I don't think I have any style right now. I do everything in random bursts - "now code, then make one model, then sit and play some tunes". Probably need to make everything and after that sit and make all art/models, it just helps me not to overheat from doing one thing.

I could see it being expanded into a full 3D Platformer
Since my last DD, I am still not sure where to take it. My plan right now is to make a bigger map, fill it with random stuff. Make some kind of atlas for all items/interactions in the game and small and simple puzzles for each spirit. I don't want to scope too much for my first project.

Thank you for your feedback!

Sadly, I am not skilled enough to win it fairly. (beat it by telling my convoy to ride off road)

It is a fun game, don't like the default pathing, that mosh is killing my speed and all my plans.
Maybe you could swap default path with the fast pathing and just make "shortest" path keybind?

Controls are fine, easy to understand and use, but I wasn't sure if I could micro ammo and other guns.
Without debug I couldn't play, I don't know how far my tanks can shoot.
If I Q+LMB on enemy outside of it's range, tank wants to come close to the enemy, not sure if it's intended.

Art is really cute!
Maybe you could draw drivers and add vehicle as a background in portraits?

Would love to try more missions after understanding more mechanics :)

Yeah, I am not sure what I could do with them after picking up, thinking about making some kind of atlas and making it into more of "explore" type of game

I am really bad at making good levels, I even want to make even larger world, just more interaction thingies and some kind of small puzzle for every spirit

Yeah, I wanted to make it more cartoony, her model is too primitive right now to make any fluid movement.

Thank you for playing!


Yeah, model doesn't have any loops in arms, so I made her wave them around happily.

1) Yeah, I was exiting the level through menu, then launched the level again, not sure if I reached any check-point, after death I was spawned at much later check-point.
Wasn't able to recreate that bug again, I probably touched previous checkpoints a lot. (only overriding check-point vid)
2) You probably could calculate needed speed with distance, point of connection through code, but I just cut every platform that needed syncing ;)
3) I played the whole game with this speed XD

Cute game!

Like the simple graphics and nice tunes.

Not sure why you move with A and D, but level selection left and right key.
Some check points don't work (2d gold level, 2nd checkpoint overwrites all checkpoints, I restarted the level, got 1st checkpoint and died and the game spawned me at the 2nd checkpoint again!) (nope this is the problem with every level, restarting the level doesn't clear checkpoints).
Some levels have one collectible near the end, are they suppose to be golden?
Maybe make some indicator when you have max power on trampoline?
Restart button would be nice.

This part was written as I played:

Last level was really unfair, if you could say that challenge levels where at least skill checks (even if it was getting max trampoline power on the last invisible pixel), castle last obstacle is just stupidly complex. Most obstacles in the castle are stupid because of difference in amplitude, enemy could walk 1 time it's path, when saw would go 2.5 - 3 times all it's path and when you stuck several of them in one path it just became "make lucky shot".

Wait, wtf, does saw speed increased? I watched bigguydev vod and his saws are much slower.
Bro, your speed is connected to refresh rate of the monitor, my second monitor has much slower saws, I am surprised I got to last obstacle on this speed!

Really fun fighting!

Game controls well, character is little jiggly when landing.
Quick attack feels useless, when you hit lands enemy being pushed a little bit and your second hit wouldn't land (if you both stationary). It works only with locking on enemy and W+M1 spam.
With this AI it is hard for me to execute any special attacks, they are good at backing up and I always need to run at them. 
If you stay still, it feels like 25/75 flip if you will hit or enemy will push you on the ground and finish you.
Not sure if it is some tech, but you can hold your special attack if you:
Heavy attack, then press jump/lunge ect and before animation begins you hold heavy attack, this makes character lock on start of special attack animation that will play when you release the button.

Sometimes menu starts to ignore my hovering on buttons exiting and re-entering on the center of the button fixes it sometimes. Menu hides itself way too fast, I am trying to read attacks.

Reminds me of overgrowth with this kicking all enemies around and either killing them instantly or being killed because of your mistake. It is fun, interesting how fights will play in more designed levels.

best run was me running around and catching 1v1's (2d wave was set through menu)

This build has a little more content now.
Characters look really cool and stylized!
I like character customisation options.

Movement is fine, sometimes its hard to climb walls (skill issue probably).
Love the weapon design and how comically large they are.

There are some weapon bugs for me:

  • Rats are unkillable right now, you can get them to 0 hp, but they just don't care.
  • For some reason you can attack only several times, after that I could deal damage only with drop-kick.
  • Hitting with melee weapons is hard, sometimes I just pushed enemies away either with me moving closer to them or hit didn't register.
  • Picking up weapons sometimes overrides your holding weapon and you hold two weapons visually.

My pc automaticity pushing 100% with this game, maybe simple graphic settings?

Really interested where this project will go!

Cool game!
Really dig the whole GuildOS aesthetic.
It is really great, I love to move/resize all windows and icons for ease of access.

Tutorial is quite extensive and it broke and stopped and resumed it's own progress several times as I played?
It happened because I opened and closed new windows and moved items?
Maybe more strict hand-holding tutorial would be better for me :)

Everything is quite readable for me, some heroes management didn't clicked with me at first (pushed my heroes to raid at non-working hours several times and wasn't checking their fatigue).
I wasn't able to understand how to read raid maps, what enemies would I fight against, what materials would my heroes find, so my reputation keeps declining.
Raid window is cool, but you can't scroll older text.
Would love to use some kind of key-binds for windows and game speed.

Not sure why game creates save folder and doesn't use it.
You can't change any settings on the game screen?
you can break scroll element if scroll is enabled and you don't have any more content to scroll to.

Models are nice

Than you, they are really basic, so I would love to polish them a bit. (not sure they would look better)

please fix the camera

It will require some head scratching for me, but I hope I will manage.

Thank you for your feedback.
Good luck with your projects!

(1 edit)
2nd monitor incident

I am not sure, why that happened, it opens on the monitor that I opened exe file on. Right now working on my own settings menu, hopefully will find an answer.

sensitivity is too high

Yeah, I grew a bias by playing it too much that it was fine, thank you for pointing it out. It will be adjustable in the settings.

slow typing

Yeah, you can skip all the typing by pressing E, I really don't know why I am not showing it in UI and never even wrote it in the description. Will definitely speed the text.

Really early days

Yeah, kinda, its an old project that I want to polish, I would love to pour more time and love into this project, hopefully I would be more productive in upcoming months!

Invisible wall

It supposed to be glass shader, I hope to get to know them much better in the future, to not just take some code from the Ethernet.

I will not play more of this

It's all right, thank you for your feedback.

Good luck with your dungeon-healing game!

camera movement is WAY too sensitive

Yeah, I became kinda blind with my experience in the game, good thing that this is brought up. Will work on the camera.


It could actually be skipped by pressing E, probably needed to show it on UI and adjust typing speed ofc

all typos and engrish

Thanks for noticing that, would love someday to get someone to grammar proof my script.

Cayenne reacted to my wood spirit but not my fire spirit.

Right now she is giving unique dialogue for the last spirit that you collected or other interactions that are on the map. I could hold all that dialogue in list and then read next dialogue from that list, but I thought it could confuse the player with random dialogue about the spirit or interaction that happened "long" time ago.

I can jump and stick to walls.

I kinda know about that, not sure if I understand everything about colliders and rigidbody to fix it right now, will try tho.

Sorry I don't want to keep trying the platform jumps with the camera like this, it's making me feel sick.

That all right, you don't need to push yourself, but you could try it next DD :)

Good luck with your blood-sucking mayhem)

can't look up or down

Right now camera is set to look at the player at all times, that was a bad idea, will look into that.

drop shadow under the character

Yeah, with the state of those platforms right now, it would definitely help the player :D

Character designs are really good for how low-poly they are

Thanks! Glad you liked them, I still would love to sometime pinch them a little bit.
All the spirits models where made in a row and for some of them, it shows)

Thank you for you insights, will try to push myself to fix most of the junk before next DD.
Good luck with your stuff mate!

Yeah, I don't reset anything after resuming the game, my bad.

Mouse sensitivity is crazy high.

Yeah, I definitely would need to look into my camera settings, I mostly used presets and because the only one that was playing my game was me, I got used to this sensitivity.

floating platforms

Funny thing, right now every platform is moving on it's own path, I tried to use Animator to sync them all, but then my player-to-platform snapping code broke, definitely would need to find alternative way to do this.

English, music, animations

Good thing is, it's only gonna be better from now on :) at least I hope so

Thank you for your feedback, I appreciate it!

Its really cute and simple game.

Really like the art.
Level is too big and empty, I was lost when the Summoner appeared, needed to get to the corner of the map to get to the center, map or arrow to the boss would be nice.

Love the enemy variety, ghost girls are too slow for them to countered by just looking at them, if they would run as fast as spiders, they would become much more dangerous foe.
Would love to read what upgrades do on mouse hover, rather than mouse click. On that note it would be great if you could read what upgrades do you have and how your stats are changed.
I didn't felt that the enemies where scaling on the same level with me, I started to over damage all of them too fast.
The only time I felt overwhelmed was at last 3 minutes, but then I hit a new power spike and didn't felt a pressure.
The witch is really polished, but her shooting mechanic is really wonky, your damage box is lower than your staff so if the enemy comes too close to you, you could start missing at point blank or shooting in completely different direction.

When you exit/finish level, you get 10000 either way.
Masteries tree doesn't save after exiting the level and you could stack them even after reset, "Help" button only for the witch girl.

I have double shot and lightning at 0 levels
Great game nonetheless, would love to see it improve!