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camera movement is WAY too sensitive

Yeah, I became kinda blind with my experience in the game, good thing that this is brought up. Will work on the camera.


It could actually be skipped by pressing E, probably needed to show it on UI and adjust typing speed ofc

all typos and engrish

Thanks for noticing that, would love someday to get someone to grammar proof my script.

Cayenne reacted to my wood spirit but not my fire spirit.

Right now she is giving unique dialogue for the last spirit that you collected or other interactions that are on the map. I could hold all that dialogue in list and then read next dialogue from that list, but I thought it could confuse the player with random dialogue about the spirit or interaction that happened "long" time ago.

I can jump and stick to walls.

I kinda know about that, not sure if I understand everything about colliders and rigidbody to fix it right now, will try tho.

Sorry I don't want to keep trying the platform jumps with the camera like this, it's making me feel sick.

That all right, you don't need to push yourself, but you could try it next DD :)

Good luck with your blood-sucking mayhem)