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Nice, you are now can't jump high like crazy :D

But there some other problems, it's now harder to jump with high frame rate -

Some stuff I got only by playing on weak pc, like how you can jump over invisible wall on the end of 1-st demo and fall out of the map - crash the game.

I wasn't able to replicate it on my main machine (but I didn't tried to change FR on monitors to the lowest, maybe later)

There are some inconsistencies with dialogues, some are skippable by pressing Interact or Cancel, some by only Interact (like roof exit in 1st demo).

Blorb easter egg dialogue is bugged, if you press only z - you will never exit dialogue and it will just reset itself on last message.

If you pause mid air and try to move, Dirk visually starts to stand in air (after pause he will fall normally)

You need to accept your new key binds and they don't reset if you didn't, I stun locked myself for some time thinking "why my jump button didn't change, it is changed in controls)

Sadly, I didn't have a lot of time, so again, nothing about 2nd demo.