I recorded playing games with commentary, and your game is one of them.
Here's the link to the whole DD50 folder:
Lewd games with gameplay unite!
I recorded playing games with commentary, and your game is one of them.
Here's the link to the whole DD50 folder:
Lewd games with gameplay unite!
This was excellent gameplay feedback and I really, really appreciate you going through the effort of finishing the bossfight. I was rooting for you to win the first time you got the rival to low health! I'll add checkpoints before bossfights and maybe put them in a different difficulty level or make them default. Either way, thanks for playing again!
I owe you some goblin fanart when I go through your game. Cheers!
Played a few runs of the game. Video: https://files.catbox.moe/lmogeu.mp4
First off, fantastic spritework. It really shows you put a lot of love into it. The game has a solid base to construct on.
The game occupies a very small part of the screen for my pc, but during cutscenes it is bigger. Why does it work like that?
I believe you underuse your sprite assets with the exception of the robot enemies. I don't think I have seen any girl appearing twice on the screen. I feel you can get away by using them much, much more. Give your players a chance to see your characters for longer, there is little need to restrict yourself so heavily. It also allows you to use gameplay piece more freely.
The intro should be skippable.
Your game is almost borderline, but since there is nudity from time to time, it throws the possibility of being on youtube out of the window. I know that this would take a lot of work, but have you considered about also having safe sprites for the few moments where there is nudity? I mean an option that can be toggled on/off from a menu.
The attacks do way too little damage and I believe the modifier didn't work. I cheated the attack level for the second run and it felt just right for the regular enemies, bosses were still too hard to kill. Also the shots fly way into the distance hitting enemies outside of the screen (you can see that on the video when using the bomb). The bomb indicator didn't seem to work.
I have been seeing your posts in the /v/ threads, so I'm happy to finally be able to try this game out. I do recommend you to be in /agdg/ a bit more, I'm sure you will get people to talk to and share ideas there.
Thanks for the review! Sadly I think that the video recording only got a black screen. I think it's because the game only runs at full screen and that might bug your recording software. Would you be able to show me the bug with the cutscene resolution? I only have a 1920x1080 screen so I'm unsure how that works in the executable.
Regarding the other points, I see a ton of possible improvements and the censored version seems like a possibility I need to consider. Thanks again for reviewing my game and I hope to see more toad poking in the future :D
Sadly I think that the video recording only got a black screen. I think it's because the game only runs at full screen and that might bug your recording software.
I don't understand, is the video black for you? I can see it just fine on my computer and my phone. The resolution of my computer is 1600 x 900, which might be part of the reason why the game looked strange. Watching goblindev's recording, my game looked completely different to his. Mine didn't had a score number for example.
Yeah, I only see a black screen.
Try downloading it or watching it from your phone. Sadly I erased the raw footage so I wont be able to encode it differently.
I also need to put a warning that the only current resolution supported is 1920x1080.
I imagine it is like that to preserve the pixelart proportions, since scaling the window for non integers distorts the pixels. If thats the case, I recommend you to don't worry too much about it and always scale the game to fit the window. People in general don't mind distorted art as much as having black bars around the screen. At least that was my case, so I ended up leaving the "pixel perfect" options in my game off as default.
Great spritework here and a solid base for a hori danmaku.
When I died while holding slow-mo it continued throughout the first cutscene until I returned to gameplay, making a very slow unskippable cutscene even slower.
Had some visual clarity issues my first few runs where some bullets and the powerups blended into the background. I'd also like to see what hitbox the player has. Some sprites clip through/block part of the hud as well.
The tanky enemies combined with losing all power for getting hit once made the boss fights a slog. It would be cool if there was a way to reclaim some of that lost power. The Touhou games accomplish this by having your power explode out of you as you get hit and you have to collect as much as you can across the screen without getting hit before it falls off screen, that could be a way to handle it aside from rebalancing health values.
The weapon upgrades are mostly good though I don't like how Multi loses its spread properties even though I like the punch ghost, maybe that power up makes more sense for neutral?
The 2nd boss has much more interesting patterns to avoid than the first but the idea of its moveset changing depending on which body part is focused would be pretty dope if there were more oppressive attacks coming from some of them, especially the 3 shot arm cannon.
You could pull a lot of inspiration for bullet patterns from other hori shooters like Salamander, Darius, or Deathsmiles while keeping in mind bullet density to not make it too crazy. Good luck with the development.
Excellent points here. I'm very grateful to get feedback from people who actually know what they're talking about. Will definitely experiment with the medals being thrown after being hit! I'm also gonna google some gameplay from those titles and see if I can ignite some inspiration.
Thanks again for playing!
Congrats for making top ten, I'm super jealous.
Art, animation and style are super. You could already ship it on dlsite.
Your game is already successful, you can bank on it easly. Having said this, if I have to judge your gameplay in a vaacum (aka I'm judging a shmup and not and not a eroge): your gameplay needs a ton of work, I'm always blunt about this: it's pretty bad.
As a shmup player I see a lot of good mechanics, so maybe more than errors you just run out of time. Have a list of my complaints:
- enemy projectiles should always be high contrast against the background. Right now a few bullets types get lost into the green of the forest(see cave games in general).
- at the beginning let me know if your musumeship has an oldshool hitbox or a danmaku style.
- the beginning of the level is pretty annoying because you have to sit and wait the intro movie. It's one of the euroshmup sins, let players skip it(see every jap shmup).
- enemies are super tanky, another euroshmup problem. In your case it's almost justified because I wanna see naked enemies. Your ground enemies are a good middle ground.
- I get the idea to have only one long life before game over, but at least add a checkpoint middle stage, or make levels shorter(see gradius).
- multi weapons and powerups with medals are super fine, but don't downgrade all the weapons if you get hit, only the one equipped (see harmful park)
- bomb is super cool, but it's a very long move to be without invincibility.
- I agree with another anon: if slow is a mechanic, you need to implement it well. Slow must have a bar, and some section of the game (or enemy types) should need slow to be completed without dying.
Hey mate, thanks a lot for playing and the detailed feedback!! I am actually really new to the genre and having not played many shmups I always thought that the gameplay was lacking to say the least ( Thanks for having the courage to say it bluntly ) . I'm really gonna take these pointers into mind for the next iteration. Hope to see your game on the next DD!
PS; I don't think it's fair to judge any game based on the order of the list shown. The reason why it's on top list its due to the amount of views that it generates on the new nsfw games tag ( a lot of traffic here ), but I think that the game is still very crude in terms of fun. Thanks again! :)
Graphics are top notch! The gameplay felt great too. The floating robot boss seemed a bit tough as he had a lot of HP and it was difficult to hit him without also getting hit by the mines if you didn't have a spread weapon. The weapon you start with seemed weaker than the other ones you can swap to if you press tab. I liked the boss at the end; things got really crazy when she used all her attacks at the same time. Looking forward to seeing this game develop!
Here is my gameplay video: https://mega.nz/file/7LwijZLC#_cPEfCLWzkXMnI031VH1_vstRBrSGa1Kpb9bMSZl5DI
I really like the sprites and all the little details on them, like the girl that comes from the tree and have to grab her boobs because they are too big and heavy. There is an incredible amount of detail on characters. I like that.
The game don't have music, if you still don't know what kind of music use, I personally recommend something like the music from Megaman X4, that's why I put some of that music in the gameplay I uploaded. But at the end of the day, that it's just a personal opinion.
Gameplay wise, it can played with one hand and that's good. I know there's a slow time mechanic, I didn't use it because I wanted to beat the demo without it. If you want to force the player to use this mechanic, make enemies/hazards that are only possible to dodge using the slow time.
I checked the interrogation section, but I don't find anything to do there. The mini version of the girls are cute.
I like this game, I will keep track of it's development. Good luck and keep the good work.
Okay, I absolutely suck at shmups, so I gave up after getting bodied by the boss for the 10th time.
Maybe I'll give it another shot later.
I took some notes:
Are bombs in the game yet? I couldn't find a button to use them.
I'm also not sure I actually equipped anything in the loadout screen.
I've seen you post different weapons in the thread, but maybe they didn't make it into the demo build?
*E2* I finally found the controls list on your page. Putting the controls screen in the actual game would really help dummies like me with stuff like the above.
Screen goes entirely bright magenta for a second as I try to load into Interrogation.
Interrogation subject sits on a non-existent bed when I put her in the red room.
None of the buttons in Interrogation seem to work. I'll assume they're just not implemented yet.
Seems kinda weird that the interrogation subjects are in such a different style from the main game.
I did not expect the (enemy?) commander to be voiced whoa.
First line was mostly fine but I think I'd prefer bloops and beeps to the AI stuff for most of the lines.
Lots of variety in death animations, very nice.` Very Metal Slug.
I'm impressed with how much enemy variety you've got considering the theming. The designs are great; I could see myself playing this just to see just how silly things get.
In the pause menu, I can't click "resume" with the mouse or enter or anything. Only the escape key seems to work.
Pretty dastardly to put so much fun stuff going on the in background. I get distracted and die a lot.
Would be nice to have an option to skip the intro sequence on repeat playthroughs after you die to the boss.
Also the boss' mine explosions have a deceptively large hitbox. I suck at shmups, but I'm still pretty sure I got hit a few times where the fireball wasn't actually touching the character.
Overall, this game seems really fun and I wish I didn't suck at it so I could see the end screen.
Okay, continuing on. I figured out what the shift button does and I managed to get to the actual boss before being wrecked. Designs continue to impress.
Finally found the controls list. All the other guns seem vastly more powerful than the starting gun?
The final 2 levels of the beam gun seem to not have any sound .
Wow, thank you very much for the detailed feedback. There's a ton of great points in this review.
- Bombs will be available, but not in this version. They're supposed to be dropped by Angel constantly and used to destroy enemies that float in the water.
- The loadout scene currently defaults to giving you all weapons, even if you don't buy them ( this is for testing all weapons right now )
- Regarding the interrogation scene:
This one is mostly just a mockup . We are currently experimenting with different ways of showcasing the lewd art but nothing is definitive as of yet. We're still figuring out how to make the best out of the content and make it so that it feels progressive and not just a gallery place. I'll probably attempt a build with beeping sounds for voices vs AI voice or maybe hire some talent! Thanks again for playing :)
Looks super japanese. The amount of work put into the animations and artwork is outstanding! Incredible work!
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