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MonsterView game page

A short story with some classic platformer fighting:)
Submitted by just_manu — 4 hours, 41 minutes before the deadline
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Ranked from 29 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

What do you like about your game?
I'm really proud of the attacking animations, and I like the pixel art style I achieved :)

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Looks great! At first kinda reminded me of Legend of Kage on NES 


nice start to a cool looking game! the story is very nice, good use of rhetoric in the beginning to lead into the general thesis of the game, what does it mean to be a monster! this gets carried on throughout the rest of the game while we go through the main character's inner monologue and own interpretation of the events that unfold upon them, very cool! also love the shifting text animations, really sells the idea that they are grappling with their identity and are frantically looking for identity labels that would hurt them the least, but they can't seem to stray away from negatives, very cool!

the art and animations are nice too! the scene where you see the enemy moving around for the first time (using 3d pixelized/low-res animation) is so good!!! it feels so unsettling since the player will only see 2d frame animations until that point, which makes the fluid motions of the enemy animations feel unnatural and otherworldy, evoking a sense of danger in the player! if you continue to develop this game and make all the 2d characters use this 3d animated Dead Cells like style, that would be cool too, but (this is a personal opinion) maybe consider making the friendly characters traditionally animated/framed through 2d sprites and make the enemies animated through the 3d pixelization process, because the clear dissonance between the two i think creates a nice unsettling atmosphere whenever jumping into fights!

overall, really nice game with cool art! i assume that you were going to integrate more stuff to the game that involves platforming so im not gonna comment on that, but everything else was pretty neat! great work!


This game is intriguing! The combat felt pretty good, and so did the movement! the what I assume to be really low res 3D models look really cool too! The story was also pretty well done. However, there are a couple things I'd like to mention: The scaling of the pixel art is quite funky, and is quite noticeable, especially with the house. But, of course, this is a game jam, not everything can be fixed, especially with pixel art. more of a recommendation if you are planning on continuing this :) Another thing is that you can't really die, which makes the fights a bit too easy. Overall, this game is a pretty well done platformer fighting game, with a well-done story and cool (I assume) 3D-modeled enemies to really exacerbate the aberration, but has strange pixel sizes and no real way to die from my experience. Nice Job!


Very smooth gameplay; I like it. The way the pixel art characters move and fight it pretty cool as well!


Great look and nicely put together... the story and pace are great too.

I would say, the combat was a bit lacking and more could be done there - I think what would help a lot is some kick back when you and characters get hit as currently they just stay in place, so you end up just spamming the attack key.

Still, enjoyed playing it and getting into the story - good job!

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