Hello, everyone.
I am developing a game for CS50 final project. I used free art from couple artist on this website. It says I can use it for any purpose. But I also want to buy additional art from same artists, to make extra levels and enemies. And at finish, I want to leave project with public access at github, to use it as a portfolio for future job search or any other purpose.
Is it okay if there will be sprites which I have bought here? Because people can take them for free, instead of buying them from these artists.
Also I would like to publish this game here for free. Hopefully few users will try it and give me feedback/advises for my grow as developer. And of course for a "look, mom, I published my first game".
Will I make big problems for me and for these artists? I do not really understand licence/juridical rules. Do I need to hide art for somehow and leave only code, or I can publish open project with payable art with permission from these artists? Maybe I just need to mark somewhere in project or game page, that "I have bought this art but you can't use it unless you will pay as well".
Thank you, and sorry for my English.