Hello! My name is Lisa and I'm making an adventure game called Growbot. I'm an illustrator with a background in children's picture books. I began Growbot as a way of learning new skills, and out of a love of world building.
Growbot is a 2D point-and-click adventure game being developed in Unity for PC and Mac. You play as Nara, a student growbot on her first day of training on board a space station. Before you can begin learning about your new home's ecosystem of alien flowers and strange creatures, an attack by an unknown force infests the station with large and quickly growing crystals. With communication cut off, you venture out of your room in search of help. Along the way you must make new friends, fix the station's strange machinery, and discover the origins of the crystalline force spreading throughout the station.
Work completed:
Level 1 and 2 of Growbot have been completed and I’ve made several rounds of bug fixes and adjustments to puzzles following playtester feedback. The latest build takes most people around two hours to play, and represents about half of the planned content.
Work to be done:
I have two levels left to complete. Level 3 takes place underwater within a coral reef, and level 4 within engineering.
A selection of screenshots from level 1 and 2.

I have a playable build of Growbot available for Windows and MacOSX if anyone is interested in testing the game and giving feedback. Please email me at growbotgame@gmail.com if you’d like a download link, or you can sign up to a mailing list here if you want (very) occasional updates with new builds or news when the game is finished: http://growbotgame.com/mailing... Thanks for reading! :)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/growbotgame
Facebook: www.facebook.com/growbotgame