First, sorry if this question has already been answered somewhere else (didn't manage to find the answer in the documentation or in this community). Second, sorry for my poor english !
We are a french scientific research organization (not a professional studio) and we created our own adventure/puzzle game to diffuse science (especially to young peoples), which is totally free and browser based. (You can check the mini trailer game here: https://cea-dcom.itch.io/quantum-prisoner)
Now, we are almost ready to release the full game (in english) and we'd like to propose it and promote it on itch.io as we did for the trailer minigame, but we have two problems:
1) the game is quite big (1.5gb), too much for itch.io project dowload page
2) the game will be hosted on its own website (https://quantum-prisoner.com)
So my question is: is there a way to embed a game hosted somewhere else into an itch project page (or is it against itch policy)? and if so, how to do it ?
This would also simplify the process to push new versions, and make our game analytics work (which is the only part of the game that requieres a server module).
Thank you very much for the answer.
- the quantum prisoner team