Swords & Shadows is a top down hack n' slash inspired by Zelda and Torchlight. Adventure through endless dungeons, fight monsters and defeat bosses! You can download the latest development build here: https://8bitape.itch.io/swordsandshadows
Here's a short gameplay video:
The dungeons are procedurally generated in a cute low-poly style and the gameplay has a challenging but fun feel to match. The current build is pre-alpha and is little more than a demonstration of combat and terrain generation. In time a wide range of enemy types and multiplayer game modes will be introduced. There may be a Kickstarter campaign later in the year, so keep an eye out for it!
Play it and give us feedback!
Please give the demo a spin and let us know if you find any bugs or have feedback on any of the mechanics currently in the game:
- Terrain Generation
- Combat
- Movement and Camera
You can keep up to date on the project by following us on Twitter or Facebook.
Many thanks!