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Roopit and Boopit!

A topic by TheSneaK created Feb 28, 2020 Views: 1,913 Replies: 51
Viewing posts 1 to 34
(1 edit) (+1)

Player One is Red...

Player Two is Blue...

If You check out my Game...

I'll Pretend to Love You!

This yet to be titled game is all about Co-Op combat Puzzles.

Both Players have different roles, 

   Blue Player can block projectiles with his shield, and attacks in arch

   Red Player can shoot from a distance with his bow

The emphasis is on Planning, Coordination, and Communication.

The Mechanics are simple.

But the Levels become increasingly complex.


So far the people i have had play test the game have had a lot of fun

If you want to play test this me, please don't be afraid to ask.

It will only motivate me to get a version up on sooner.

I would love to get some feedback on what you think of my game.

I'm happy to hear any suggestions or criticisms!

Anyway, thats enough from me for now.



The game is up for playtesting!

I would really appreciate any feedback, suggestions, or bug finds!

Have Fun! :D


Thanks for the play testing friends!

Because of feedback I've made the following changes.

  *  World 1 levels have been adjusted to make the red player require more input, its harder to solo the levels with the blue character alone.

  *  Added options to adjust the volume of the SFX and music

  *  Added the ability to save and load the game.

 I'll have these updates in the downloadable version soon, thanks so much for the help.

Please keep it coming!


Fixed the bug where you can walk into some enemies from the back.

Thanks for the feedback! :)

Visual Update!

I have been working on adding character to Roopit and Boopit and there various enemies

Have a look and tell me what you think!

I plan on making a video of the gameplay soon!

Should be fun :)

Have a great day people :D

Wow i think this is a step in the right direction the characters have more personality to them good job!

Thanks man!

I can't wait to show you guys what the bosses are like now!  :D


Hello Friends!  :)

Today I had a go at making a small video of my game!

This is the first time I have ever tried using using any video editing software, but I thought it might be fun to show you guys anyway :)

The game play is snippets from World 1 including the boss.

If you have not yet tried "Roopit and Boopit", it mean a lot to me if you could give it a go!

Any feedback is greatly apreciated!  :)

Have a good day friends!

Have Fun!  :D

Today I added another mode to the game, Child Mode!

After watching someone play with his son in a video, I decided to take his advice and add a slower game mode for parent/child teams.

I'm not 100% confident that it works perfectly yet, I think it still might be hard for young ones, but I think its a step in the right direction.

Any play-testing feedback in this mode would be greatly appreciated.  

If you wanted to have a look at the video I was talking about, its here!

Have a good day you wonderful people! :D


Started work on World 4 - Ice World!

Ice World is the first world that Roopit and Boopit can fall to there untimely deaths in!  Hooray!


Exciting times indeed!  xD

Other then that a few changes minor improvements to the menu have been made as well as making world 3 a little less hard on the eyes (hopefully)

Stay healthy out there my friends and have FUN!  :D

(1 edit)

For a while now I have been considering putting small cut scenes in the game.

And when I say small, I mean 3 second animations. mostly to add character to my 2d weapon wielding blobs!

Today that is a reality!  World 1 has opening and closing little skit

Roopit and Boopit, fighting over a steak...

Roopit and Boopit... beating the $#!T out of the boss!

In other news, World 4 is very close to being finished!

A version is out with World 4 playable all the way through to the boss.

However, a lot of small bug fixes and balance (with the boss particularly) need to be done!

But feel free to give it a go!  I'd love some sweet, juicy feedback.

Thanks to all you who keep up with the development of Roopit and Boopit!

Its been a lot of fun!  :D


New Version is out!  

World 4 is complete and playable.

Fixed a bug where Roopit and Boopit would get stuck on each other sometimes.

Started adding a few very short cartoons at the start and end of each world (not finished yet)

Roopit and Boopit is really starting to take shape!  :D

Thanks to everyone who has been following!

Also I made a GIF of game play.  Its too large to put up on here, but here is a link to it.

I've been really pumping out the little cartoons recently

Opening clip for World2

This is for after you defeat the boss in the 2nd world

Start of world3!

Hope it made at least one person smile  :)

Hey there!

Been working on the graphics.

Few changes so far, but I feel they are effective!

The focus has mostly been on the tiles, backgrounds and blocks.

If you scroll up to previous screen shots I think you will notice the difference.  

If you have any comments or critic please don't be afraid to post them here!  :)

Here's a link to the game

Have fun!

I have a trailer!  

Well at least a placeholder one!  xD

Check it!

Been still working on the graphics!  Took some feedback into account, reworked the blocks a little more, changed the floor tiles in world3 so the cobblestone is neater.

Also made another little cartoon!  Yay!  :D

Have a good day Friends!  :D

(2 edits) (+1)


I've had a bit of break over the holidays, but now Roopit and Boopit is back on!!  :D

Graphics!  More work on graphics!!!  :D

I've put a black border around the characters and enemies, it makes it easier to tell whats important on the level at a glance.

Also I've been trying out the db32 color pallet for the environments, turns out I was using way too many contrasting colors.

I've been learning a lot about art, but still a lot to learn!

Also, the purple monsters and snowmen have had there sprites vastly improved.

The time has come to begin work on World 5!

World 5 will be inferno world!

I'm pretty hyped to come up with some new mechanics and puzzles!  Definitely my favorite part of making this game!  :D

Also, I've been considering adding moment with analog sticks on the controllers, The way you only move in four directions doesn't really mesh well with it, but I thought it might be good to see if I can get it to be a good alternative anyway!

What do you think?  Is it worth it for a game with only 4 directions to move and shoot in?

It feels like the game is getting close to being finished!  One more world, a few more little cartoon animations, etc etc.

You can try the game here!

I hope you all have had a good holiday and that this quarantine hasn't been getting you down too much.

If you need someone to talk game design with and play test your projects, hit me up!  I'm always keen to see what people are making and if I can help!  :D

Have a great day and have FUN!!  :D

Looks awesome! That black border around major items/characters was definitely a smart move!



Two big things to talk about!

Firstly... WORLD 5 is in the making!

The first 5 levels in world 5 are up for play testing!  :)

Have a look!

The other big improvement.

Now you can pivot on the spot without moving that direction!

I know this has been an annoyance for a lot of you, I've finally done something about it.

Now if you tap the direction you want to go, your character faces that way, if you hold the key, he moves.

I would appreciate some feedback regarding this please, as it is hard to find the right balance between in how long the button should be held before moving, too soon and pivoting is hard, too long, the controls become sluggish.

I am 90% sure the pivot controls are good at the moment, but I would definitely appreciate a second opinion. 

Hey YOU!

That's right, YOU!  The guy that read right to the end.

I appreciate you!  :)

Have a good day and HAVE FUN!



Thanks to some feedback, the pivoting is no longer done by tapping the direction you want to go.

It seemed like it made the controls less snappy, as well as occasionally pivoting instead of moving.

Instead, its done by holding another key.  

ALT for Roopit, SHIFT for Boopit.

This is a little awkward when playing on a key board, but.....


You can Pivot if you move the stick (or press the d-pad) while holding L Trigger.

So far this seems like the easiest and best way to play the game!

Also brought in a new option "Solo Mode"!

Solo mode lets you control both characters with a single controller.

Another small quality of life change is now you can switch to child mode mid game.

I'd love if you could try Roopit and Boopit, even if you have already, but more then a few weeks ago.

I'm always keen to hear feedback, and I'm happy to give you feedback on your game in return!  :)

If you havn't seen the video I posted in the provide feedback thread, here it is, take a look!

Heres a link to the game!  Give it a go!  :)

Thanks for reading, have FUN!  :)

I gave Roopit and Boopit another go. Still playing by myself but this time I tried World 5. And how did that go? I got a good laugh when I accidentally smashed Boopit with a boulder! Whoops! I thought it was only fire that kills but I guess not. :O 

I was able to get past the first 2 stages of Level 5 playing by myself. Definitely challenging that way, even using the keyboard. 

The puzzles are very creative!


Hahaha yeah I got a kick out of the sound it makes when you kill yourself with the boulder!  xD

Thanks for giving it another go!  :)

If you have an Xbox controller, you might find solo mode easier for one player than the keyboard.

I put a lot of work into the puzzles so I'm happy that you think they are creative!  :)

(1 edit)

I liked it a lot! The idea is super original and I think playing it with a friend would be very fun (I have no one to play with)

I loved the intro music and I hate you for that. Every piece of music I make sounds like shit and yet there i was, moving my head like an idiot with the rythm of the bass you made..

The drawings are very funny and the gifs made me smile. The controls are simple and responsive.

In the first level I didnt quite understood what I had to do after killing the enemies, I was waiting the level to end automatically. Maybe you could add an arrow telling me to move forward or maybe im just stupid idk. It only took me a couple of seconds to go forward though.

One or two times I tried to go to a previous menu with the Esc key and it quited the game entirely. Yes I did it more than once, and yes it was already established that im stupid. Maybe a confirmation sign before quitting?

Also I couldn't make the solo mode work. Whenever I tried to change it only the child mode changed. As I have no one to play with it was a little difficult for me to advance alone (and I refuse to use the child mode. I may be stupid and have no friends to play with but I AM NOT A CHILD). I still had a lot of fun though.

Keep it up man! Its a great game!

Thanks for the kind words!  :)

First off, you don't have to hate me, I didn't make the music myself!  xD

The intro music was made by a friend, the rest was by an artist called modem.  Check him out!

The drawing I did myself, I'm glad you liked them as I'm very new to pixel art, so feels good to hear you say they made you smile!  :)

I made a few changes based on your feedback!  (they will be in the next version I put up in a few days)

  *  Fixed the bug where you couldn't change to solo mode, I forgot to change the left right arrow coding, enter key and the controller still worked.

  *  Added some gold blocks in the first level with enemies, they disappear after the enemies die, hopefully that lets players know to move forward.

  *  Pressing ESC in the options and World select screen takes you back to the menu, not exiting the game completely.

I didn't realize any of these were problems until your feedback, so thank you very muchly!  :)

Also, I know you were just joking saying your stupid, but in reality, it is the developers job to protect you from your self, I found myself doing very similar things while play testing other peoples games  (i.e. pressing esc and quitting by mistake).

So, don't feel bad when you do things like that, Often us developers overlook little things, because we are so used to playing our own games that we wouldn't even think about making that mistake.  We go into auto- pilot and think the game is fine, when reality for a first time player is that its much less intuitive.  

Really you are doing me a favor by telling me about these mistakes you make, because its my responsibility to minimize them, not yours to not make them!  xD

As for child mode, I'm thinking of renaming it too easy mode, but I would think 2 players could play without it easy enough.

Solo first time players however, it may benefit, don't be afraid to experiment with it!

Thanks a lot for the feedback and the encouragment!  :)  It really does help quite a bit!

Send me a buzz when you have a new version of Final-Fanta-Tri (is that still the name?  xD) and I'll give it another playtest for you!  

Have Fun!  :)

(1 edit) (+1)

Roopit and Boopit is coming to steam!  Yay  :D

Apparently it takes 2-7 days for them to process my tax information.

Other then that, I've been working on a few things in options.

Now you adjust the following things

  *  In game Brightness

  *  Blood spray can be toggled off

  *  Walking sound effect can be toggled off

Also I changed the name of child mode to "Slow Mode"

I think too many people were confused by it, thinking it just for kids (makes sense)

Really, slow mode is just if you need the game enemies to slow down for whatever reason, if your playing solo or just not used to games in general it would help just fine.

The cartoons have been coming out as well!

Not sure why the gif is blurry, but you get the idea xD

Also had a go at adding a light touch of shading

Baby steps lol!  :D

Anyway, I hope you all have been alright, maybe quarantine will end soon and we can stop going mad.

If you have not tried the game yet, give it a go here..

Also I have a YouTube channel you can check out, If you would like me to play your game on it, just ask!  :)

Have fun!  :)

Animations look good!  What program do you use for those?

I splurged and brought aseprite.


The Intro is finally made!  

At long last I got around to making a little cartoon for the start of the game!  :)

Tell me what you think!  :D

Other then that, today I squashed a few bug and stuffed around with little details in the game.

The new version is up for playtesting!  GIve it a go!


Intro cartoon is done!

If you haven't seen it on my feed back thread, watch it here!

Also I've been working on a few of the minor bugs.

Previously, when you walked into a wall, the walk sound would play over the top of itself on repeat, which was annoying.

Now, when you walk into a wall, you get a subtle bump sound.

I added a small stunned animation for when Roopit and Boopit walk into a wall as well.

And another angry animation for when they bump into each other and little rebound noise!  :)

Also, there is now a little dust cloud behind them when they run, very cartoony!  I love it!  :D

Check it out

There were a few other little bug that I had a crack at as well, and I'm pretty happy with how things are shaping up!

Play the game for yourself!  I always down to hear some feedback!

Heres a link

Have fun!  :D


Your animation skills are getting good! Looks like Asesprite was a good investment!


Thanks!  That means a lot to me.  :)



I've been shading all the player and enemy sprites!

Have a look!

I'll have to make a gif soon to show it off a bit better.

Also I have been going through and shading the cut scenes.

The bug that never dies (players getting stuck on each other) has risen its ugly head once again!

Geez... It seems no matter what I do, there seems to be some cases where they get stuck.

However, I think I have it fixed now, tho that is what I thought the last two times as well!  xD

Other then these graphical updates and bug fixes, I have decided to put a new system in the game!

When you finish each world, you will get a ranking, S A B C D F

Roopit and Boopit will react according to how high (or low) you rank!

The rank will be determined by how long you take to finish the world,  however there wont be a visable clock or indicator of how well your doing while your playing.  The reason for this is that I only want the ranking to be something to beat in a second play through of that world, I don't want players to feel "on the clock" the first time they play.

If you would like to check out the game, here is a link -

I hope you all are having an ok time with all thats going on.

I would love if you could play Roopit and Boopit and provide feedback, I'm happy to play your game as well!  :)

Have a good day!

Graphics are looking good!

The ranking system sounds neat! Maybe make the timer something you can turn on/off in settings?

Thats a good idea!

Hi! I just played the new version and I loved it! Your game looks, sounds and plays amazing! I finally tried the slow mode and it really made things easier to play solo. Obviusly it would be much more fun to play with a friend, but this quarantine wont allow it unfortunately. I like the little animations at the start of each world a lot. This is a game with LOTS of personality and charm.

One thing that happened to me was that I tried to load a game without having a save and it crashed. Maybe because I had a save from the previous version? Idk, when I give my game to my friends to test it I allways tell them to "try to break it", so thats what I was trying to do, I dont know if its helpfull or not.

Also in the options menu you have the "back" button and the "menu" button and they both do the same. Maybe you could get rid of one of them.

I genuinely (I had to google translate that word lol) like your game a lot and im hoping to play it with friends soon!

"One thing that happened to me was that I tried to load a game without having a save and it crashed. Maybe because I had a save from the previous version?"

Yep I dare say that was the case!  I should probably look into that,  I guess its not a problem after the final version comes out unless I do a bug-fix update or something afterwards.

"Also in the options menu you have the "back" button and the "menu" button and they both do the same. Maybe you could get rid of one of them."

Oh the reason for that is the options menu is the same room whether you reach it from the menu or from a level in game!  xD

Thanks so much for the kind words friend!  :)

I'm hoping I can get the game finished real soon!  Working on the final boss atm! 

How has the Final Fanta-three game been going?  Did you land on a name for it?

I will stick with the name for now, it may be kind of stupid, but well it grew on me lol. I think I will have it finished next week! Its a really small game after all.

Good idea, get a few small games under your belt before you go after making the bigger ones.


WOOO!!  :D

So, now its time to market!!

I'm going to put this game on steam as well, as a learning experience.

I don't really think it will be hugely financially successful, but it will be good to have in my portfolio and the whole experience has been a lot of fun and taught me a lot!

The full version of the game will up on Itch for free for now, however I'm going to put a $2-$3 price on it once it is up on steam (most likely for the same price)

You can try it here!

The creation (fun) part is over, but there is still much work to be done!

My next big thing other then steam, is getting an updated trailer.  Not gonna lie, that feels like a lot of work, but it will be worth it.

Also, I'm thinking of doing a few more YouTube videos and maybe a stream.

Thanks for keeping up with my journey, and thanks for all the feedback and support!  :)

Have a great day!

Hey congratulations man, your game is great!!! I already downloaded it, I cant wait to play it with friends! Let me know when the stream is.

Thanks mate!!  😃

I'll keep you posted!

Making progress with getting the game on steam!  

I'm a bit dopey so its taking me a while to figure out :P

In the mean time... Check out my new trailer!!  :D


I have been making games at home just for fun using gamemaker for about 15 years.

Happy to announce that after all this time, I have finally got a game up on steam! :)

This is more about a learning experience for me, I'm not expecting to make money.

Heres a link to the store page -

The game is also up on for a little cheaper than steam, since you guys are so supportive and helpful!  :)

If you want to play but you're unwilling or unable to pay money for it, hit me up and I'll figure out how to make a key on itch for you to play free!

Please don't let it stop you giving my game a try.

I really just want to get a game out there and see people play it, if you have fun and it puts a smile on your face, that is payment enough for me!  :)

Thanks so much to everyone who has supported me and play-tested through out development of Roopit and Boopit!

It's made the whole process very enjoyable and I often suggest people interested in game development sign up and upload to itch because you guys are great!  :)

Have fun!

Congratulations!! Just wishlisted the game on my personal steam account (I don't have a sepi.gamedev account yet) I hope it helps giving the game a little more exposure! Good luck!


Thanks for all the support mate!

Sharing the development of Roopit and Boopit has been so fun thanks to people like you  :)

Hopefully it does get the game more exposure, I'm keeping my expectations tempered tho, there is a lot of great games out there.  My humble first attempt is unlikely to take off.

But hey, we all gotta start somewhere!  I'm proud of Roopit and Boopit, its definitely the best game I have ever made, and it seems like other people playing it have fun!

(1 edit)


I've decided to start sharing my GameDev journey for Roopit and Boopit!

I think the easiest way to do that is to record it, rather than try and type the whole thing out.

So I made a video!

Roopit and Boopit is out on Steam 12/06/2020!  :)
Out on now!

Part 2 of How I came up with Roopit and Boopit

This time I talk about how I quit my job and where I started from there.

Roopit and Boopit is out on Steam 12/06/2020!  :)
Out on now!

Part 3!

I talk about what feedback I got and what I did with it.

Roopit and Boopit is out on Steam 12/06/2020!  :)
Out on now!

Part 4

I speak about creating a Reddit account and learning about color palettes.

Roopit and Boopit is out on Steam!  :)
Out on now!

Part 5

I speak about the reason behind making Roopit and Boopit

Roopit and Boopit is out on Steam!  :)
Out on now!


The Final Part for this series! 

Thanks so much to everyone who followed along!

I talk about what I learned and what I plan on doing differently next time.

Roopit and Boopit is out on Steam!  :)
Out on now!