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cant log in to the app

A topic by Dreemore created Nov 30, 2019 Views: 4,107 Replies: 34
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i cant log in to the app on mac it keeps saying if i forgot my password but it didnt work so i changed it and nothing


You can use the same exact password to log into the website successfully? Please try opening an incognito mode browser and log in there. Thanks

but i downloaded it


I’m trying to get a better understanding of the problem so I can help you. Could you try logging into the website to see if it works? It’s possible you are entering the wrong password and I want to rule that out.


can you give me a link to the website 

Admin (1 edit)

I’m talking about Try logging in here with an incognito browser to verify that you can still access your account normally.

Also, it looks like you changed your account name to match mine. Is there a reason?

(1 edit)


And also I didnt change my name to match yours on purpose it's a long story


now what


I can't login to the app either. No problem logging into the website (obviously, or I wouldn't be able to post this). When trying to login to the app, I get this error message: Post x509: certificate signed by unknown authority.

This has been happening for at least a month. The only updates I've installed in that time is Java.

Mac OS El Capitan, 2.5 GHz Intel Core i5, 16 GB RAM

the same has happened to me

Can you quit the app (Cmd+Q) and try again now?

I’ve just deployed a new version of butler just for this macOS bug, it should show up as “butler 15.7.1” in preferences:

I don't even get to the point that the app opens now. The setup app gets stuck at the screen below, but I can't read the entire message. It looks like it wants me to rename the app to something else.

(2 edits)

Hey Nikki,

Any particular reason why you launched the Setup instead of the app directly?

Also, was the app running when you ran the setup? This might explain why it gets stuck at “moving it into place” - macOS might not like it trying to replace a running application.

I’m going to try and reproduce that particular problem, then fix it, but in the meantime, you can quit the setup with Cmd+Q and just run itch by doing Cmd+Space, searching for itch and pressing enter.

Edit: I’m not able to reproduce the issue, running itch Setup while itch is running works just fine for me:

Any particular reason why you launched the Setup instead of the app directly?
I had no choice. When I download the app from the website, the only thing in the .dmg is install  When I run that file, itch setup starts. There was no option to bypass it. And it repeatedly gets stuck at the screenshot I posted above.

Also, was the app running when you ran the setup?
No. I had used AppCleaner to clear all the old itch files, so it was a fresh installation.

I tried another fresh installation, but still got stuck at that screenshot I posted. So I checked in my /ApplicationSupport and found two folders. The first one, named /itch-setup, contains app-25.4.0 and state.json. I opened app-25.4.0 and it looked like it was going to work, but them I got the same error message when I tried to login. (And I tried logging in with my user name, then my email. Same result for both.)

The second one, named /itch, contains the following hierarchy:

I see the butler 15.17.2, but can't login to the app to choose it in preferences. Also, /itch/logs/itch.txt is the weirdest log I've ever seen. It's sprinkled with emojis throughout, specifically these: 📦 🔧 🙏. No idea if that makes a difference, but I can upload it if you want.

(4 edits)

Alright, so, the setup works, itch starts up, it installs the latest version of butler (you don’t have to “choose it from preferences”, it’s automatically used, since you have it on disk it’s using it), and you’re seeing the exact same error on login, ie. this one?

Post x509: certificate signed by unknown authority.

Edit: also, what’s your exact version of macOS? I’ve seen multiple reports of this error but haven’t been able to reproduce it across multiple machines and asking specific folks to test it :/

Edit 2: I see you mentioned El Capitan earlier (my bad), unfortunately that’s exactly what one of the versions I tested earlier today.

Are you running any specific software that would “enhance the security” of your mac? I see you’re using AppCleaner, anything else?

Edit 3: If you’re comfortable with the terminal, you can try to download then extract it, run “chmod +x butler” if needed, and run “./butler diag –all”

Edit 4: by the way, my current theory is that the issue is linked to that Go issue - it seemed to result in a fix, hence my trying to rebuild butler with a newer Go version. There are some troubleshooting steps in there that might help you. If you find a solution, please post it here!

Yes. My latest try... I first searched my entire hard drive for any leftover itch files. Found an where I didn't expect it and used AppCleaner to remove it and its files. Then I DL'd a fresh installation app. It didn't get stuck at setup, but I still got that same error when trying to log in.

My computer is an iMac 12,1 running 10.11.6 (El Capitan).
Processor: Intel Core i5 2.5 GHz.
Memory: 16 GB 1333 MHZ DDR3.

I don't run any virus software or anything like that. Macs are pretty safe as long as you don't download indiscriminately. I tried your suggesting about DL'ing the archive file, but I didn't get a .zip file, just a file my Mac didn't know what to do with. Its name: "Unconfirmed 382498.crdownload".

Isn't there a repository of previous versions where I can DL an earlier one? Because it seems as if it's this new update that's the issue, at least for me. The app was working perfectly before this. Lastly, I really appreciate all the work you're putting into this...thank you!

When you get some time, could you try rebooting, starting the itch app, and trying to log in again?

I’ve gotten some more confirmations that the update did indeed fix that particular problem (the “x509” message), so I’m more and more surprised it’s not fixed for you.

A last minute theory could be that even though the files were deleted on disk, the older version was still running, and the installer “brought it to front” instead of starting a fresh copy of the app. (*nix systems like macOS don’t have problems with executable files being removed while they’re running, unlike on Windows)

Ok but I do own a windows laptop too

I’m not sure you and Nikki Nyx are having the same problem.

I’ve read your messages too, but I can’t figure out exactly what problem you’re having. A screenshot would help!

Ok, here's what I did...

Using AppCleaner, I double checked to make sure everything having to do with itch was deleted, including hidden files.

I rebooted, then downloaded a fresh copy of the itch install app. The package contents:

(executable) Install
     (folder) Contents
          (folder) _CodeSignature
               (file) CodeResources
     (file) Info.plist
     (folder) MacOS
          (executable) itch-setup
     (folder) Resources
          (resource) itch.icns

I double clicked on "Install" and a popup window entitled "Itch Setup" appeared and started DL'ing and installing. The itch app's window appeared, asking me to login. I tried using my email then my user name, and got the same error message both times:

Post x509: certificate signed by unknown authority

Like I said, the only thing I've done since accessing the itch app last is update Java.

Thanks for the detailed update.

I’m officially out of ideas, seeing as: everything works for me on that same macOS version, and: someone who used to have the x509 error with previous butler versions no longer has it since the update.

My only idea would be to find the corresponding Root certificate and see if the trust settings are set to “Always trust” or “Custom”, see

i tried again after deleting it and re installing it and it works thanks

Hello everybody, I had the same issue and now the app does work on my Macbookpro - El capitan. Thanks!

There is another topic on this forum for exactly the same issue.