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Waiting 18 days now for payout to arrive

A topic by FenrisEbonyglow created Feb 14, 2024 Views: 456 Replies: 10
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Hello! I worked on a large art pack, and have been trying to receive my funds from the art pack for about 18 days now. I haven't gotten any replies from support after I emailed them roughly 5 days ago, and am now worried all the funds I am looking to cashout are going to be lost or stuck. If anyone has any advice or insight on how to get a response, or if this is normal, it would be much appreciated.

Ticket number is 189720

Pinned ReplyAdmin (1 edit) (+1)

Just wanted to add a note here about our process:

Accounts that are requesting their first payout, particularly if it’s a large volume payout, may be subject to additional review time. This is especially true if our fraud system has flagged payments in the payout for review. All payouts are human reviewed, we don’t automate payments to accounts. This is why we provide payout timeline estimations as a range. Most payouts are processed in that timeline but sometimes there are cases were we need to extend beyond it.

We followed up in your ticket with some more info, but I just wanted to post here as well for anyone else that views this thread. Thanks for your patience.

20 days now. Getting quite worried.

I am at 15 days on a payout right now, which is abnormally high. It's usually between 8 and 10 days. Seeing that you are also waiting gives me some reassurance that my delay is not an anomaly. Fingers crossed it happens soon 🤞

Unfortunately, writing to itchio support is a waste of time. You will never get a reply.

its my first payout, but its also a couple thousand dollars. itch took a cut when i put no cut as well, so ive been getting screwed over in many ways lol

Itch is a store and therefore must withhold taxes for legal issues and obviously charges you for validating your data.In addition to wanting to use its infrastructure for free, do you want Itch to pay your legal fees?

In any case, Itch has an option, where you can directly take charge of sales without going through itch, better read the documentation.

I'd like to give them a cut, but for the first test run ive done i wanted to see how things played out first. I paid the fee, as was stated in the payout. The itch share was about 10%, which is fine, just was wondering why it said i could put 0. I dont exactly mind them taking a cut, i just wish they'd communicate with me regarding my support issue

If I have not misinterpreted your question.

I think the itch part is calculated at the time of purchasing the game, not when withdrawing the money.

If you set 0%, it will only have effects on purchases made after the configuration change, but not the previous ones or that's what I understand from the information I have seen.

To that you must add the operator's costs and the money that is withheld for legal issues. If you don't want Itch to take care of that, you can always take care of it yourself and that's why I left the link above.

Ahh, im learning! Cool to know. Just gotta sit here and hope I get a reply now. Payout has been in review for 24 days

It's strange that they take so long. Check the status of your tax interview in settings and make sure you don't have any itch emails in your spam folder.

tax information says pending validation, but ive been told it says that until your first payout goes through

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