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Seliel the Shaper

A member registered Sep 23, 2018 · View creator page →

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If you need a farmer character, please look at my "Farmer Sprite System". This asset only includes the crops.

Similar though it may be, it's original art, so there are no issues. I would worry more about standing out among the many other indies currently using this free tileset. Try to do something unique, if possible. Change the colors, or combine with other packs in clever ways.

The color ramp options within the sprite customizer are limited, you can't change those. But once you export your custom sprite, you can edit the colors of the PNG as you would normally.

You must be leaving some vital information out of your question because I have no control over what color you make your sprites. That's going to be done in an art program (I recommend Aseprite) or programmatically with something like a color-swapping shader.

Yes, you can change the skin to any color you want. Download the free sample to experiment with it.

You will need to supply your own blue character for the effect. It says (in the guide I provided) to reduce your character sprite to 6 colors, and I even gave you the colors to use for it to have the best look. But you don't need to use it that way, you can do whatever you want, you are a creative game developer with the power of programming at your fingertips 👍

There's no special ground animation or any intended mechanic for the frozen character sprite. You can use it however you like. Maybe a weather effect, maybe a spell effect, or story effect, whatever. You will need to code all those circumstances according to your need, all I am providing is the art.

Sorry, no videos.

I don't even know what you're asking me, to be honest. 

The "frozen animation"? There is no frozen animation! There's a frozen character effect found in the "frozen effect" folder, alongside a simple guide that explains how to use it. 

The "ground and weather effects"? What are those? I have no idea what you mean!

Look for tutorials for your game engine. How to animate a sprite in Unity, or whatever. I can't help you code, unfortunately.

I'm sorry, I don't have any such tutorials, but I included an image that should explain how the freezing effect should be used.

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That's because Tiled doesn't know where the tileset image is on your PC. You'll need to double-click the missing PNG and tell Tiled where to find it.

Edit: why did you edit your question into a completely different question?

Only the "Make A Farming Sim" bundle overlaps with others. All the other bundles are mutually exclusive. 

If you'd like to get everything in a single purchase, you can find a "Full Mana Seed Collection" bundle on my Ko-fi shop (once purchased, it unlocks the assets here on itchio).

Thanks for the kind words! 🙏🏽

I definitely have more animated monsters planned. About 30 on my to-do list, big and small, as well as 10 or more boss monsters. Someday! 😅

Unfortunately, I'm not a programmer, so I can't help you with that. You can probably find a tutorial on computer swapping with Godot. You can also join the Mana Seed discord server and ask other users if they're willing to share.

Sorry man, i have no interest in engaging in this conversation with you. It's not my responsibility to convince you. I'm not performing any labor to find you sources. Please respect my license and go find an artist who's willing to work with you 🙏🏽

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There are plenty of resources available if you're looking for reasons why blockchain tech is bad and pointless in every possible way. Suffice it to say, I am vehemently against it on moral grounds. There is nothing to discuss.

You seem to be launching a new tileset every few days, having only popped into existence less than a month ago. I've been creating assets for almost 6 years, and it still takes me weeks or even months to draw a tileset by hand. I think you'll be fine without hearing what I have to say about any of that 👍

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There's a graphic included that has a bunch of text and arrows that should hopefully explain everything.

That's awesome! Can't wait to see what you're inspired to make 😁👍

Hi there! This is known to happen on occasion if you purchased the asset during a sale, before a certain date. Please find my contact info on my website. If you would kindly send me an email letting me know the email you use to login to itchio, and an idea when you may have purchased it, I can check my records and send you a new download key if necessary. Sorry for the inconvenience 🙏🏽

I can see it in my records, no worries 🙏🏽

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Alright, no problem. I'll send the files to your email when I'm back at work on Thursday 👍

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Oh, I'm sorry, I just assumed everyone who bought the interiors already had the exteriors. Did you not download the files?

Wait, are you saying you purchased Castle Interiors, but not Iconic Castle?

The standalone product page will be repurposed for a new product.

Yes, all my tilesets are built on a 16x16 framework. Though many of the crops are 2 tiles high (16x32) in the later stages of growth.

Right, there are no animations in this asset.

Yeah, I will definitely make more monsters. Big, small, and bosses, I have about 40 ideas on my wishlist. A goal that will honestly take years to reach. I'm really busy on a new player sprite right now, but later this year, who knows?

As explained on the page above, only the Farmer pants and Forester outfits include the combat animations:

This is definitely a Unity question. You should look up Unity tutorials on what's called a "paper doll" system. You'll need to understand how to attach different frames of the weapon sheet during each frame of an attack animation, and have those weapon sprites display at the right position, rotation, etc, based on whatever kind of attack you want to make.

Ah, that explains the confusion. This isn't the Farmer Sprite System that you're commenting on. This is a different asset.

To answer your questions, the Sprite Customizer just creates a flattened version of the layered clothing sheets, with custom colors. This is useful for devs who are not making a paper doll system. You still need to create the animations in your game engine. Consult the included animation guide for help with that.

What do you mean by "sprite creator"? I don't know what that is...

The weapons each have their own sprite sheets that overlay on top of the body, outfit, and hair (and sometimes behind those layers).

I've included supporting files (detailed documentation and sample images) to help you figure that stuff out if it isn't apparent.

I don't know anything about RPG Maker 2000.

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Good call, I was going to suggest something like that. I do have some plans for a badlands type of tileset someday. Unfortunately, it's probably not happening this year. I have a lot of other big plans before I can get to that specifically 🙏🏽

We've heard reports that it doesn't work on the newer Macs. The Mac version was made by the Godot compiler, so unfortunately we don't really have a way to make any fixes. We'll try it again after the next version of Godot. But until then, we're just out of luck. Sorry 🙏🏽

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By "demo application" I'm guessing you mean the Sprite Customizer? That app makes flattened sprite sheets with your desired clothing, hair, and color palette. The animation you need to create yourself using the Animation Guide.

In the "farmer_base_effects" folder, find the animation sprites in the "farmer props 32x32 v00.png" file, and the inventory icons in the "farmer icons 16x16 v00.png" file.

The key at the bottom right of the animation guide may offer some assistance.

Please consult the "farmer base animation guide.png" found in the "_supporting files" folder. It will explain how to make all the animations.

Is that a newer machine? Someone else said it didn't run on one of the newer laptops. Unfortunately, there isn't much I can do about it. I think it's an issue with Godot? I guess it's just incompatible with your setup for now 😥

Great! I've just sent the download key to the email on your account 😁👍

When you click the "Download Now" button, it offers the free sample and suggests a $5 donation. I'm pretty sure that's what you paid, right? If you'd like to unlock all of the content, you need to manually change the $5 to $19.98, which is the minimum price to unlock everything.

I admit itchio's interface for this process is a little confusing, though. So if you want to "donate" the remaining balance ($14.98), I can go ahead and send you a download key that unlocks everything.