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A question about the payment system?

A topic by Super_Yolo created Jan 04, 2024 Views: 381 Replies: 11
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Can I see how much each account donates when I release a game, because I want to reward higher doners by adding the content they want into the game kinda like a patron reward system?


If someone makes a payment / donation, you get notified of the amount. You can download a list of the payments and sort it to see who paid the most.

But unlike Patreon, there isn't a simple way to classify people into groups. You would need to do so manually, and then find their requests in your comments. 

Tip: you might not get any donations, many games here have never earned a cent. First make the game, get players, then worry about adding content.

This is very informative thank you.

(1 edit) (+1)

You have access to their email so you might be able to contact them that way. I've never emailed any of them back but I've thanked in devlogs etc. If you haven't released anything yet build a fan base first. It's hard to generate a profit I don't think I've had a donation for 5 months. Used to be somewhat consistent but it's really died off recently. For me anyway 

Is that for a single project or across all projects?

All of mine. Can't talk in regards to anyone else but mine has died off dramatically. Had about 8k views from late March 2022 to Jan 2023 (9 months-ish) and less than 5k from January Last year til now

Based on hints and guessing, they do push new stuff for a while in search and browse. That while might be over for your older stuff.

But after glancing at your stuff, you might want to polish your descriptions to make them more appealing.

the older stuff is what keeps it going. The forums are where I get the most downloads

Don't forget STEAM dropped 1.2 million users last week. Not all will return

We shall see. The reasons for it are shameful for Steam. One would think that their own client is their own piece of software, not dependant on other software. And yet they base it on Chrome. Is not the Itch client also based on Chrome? How do they do it?

I am more concerned about other "features" they might want to implement. And that Chrome does not support older OS. That stuff runs on a mobile phone, what could they possibly demand of a machine that cannot be done on any desktop toaster?!

Check checked last year was about 4000 visits so half the traffic

Hmm that's strange... maybe the search algorithm has been changed? I hear they are constantly updating it.

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