I've been playing the game for some time and I'm really enjoying it. I liked it so much that I thought I could help improve it even more with some of my ideas as well as other players.
With that in mind, I created this topic with a compilation of suggestions for future updates. If anyone has anything to add to the list comment below and I will update this post.
Here is what we have so far:
- There should be a keyboard shortcut to open the firepit/church/lab menu
- The duration of the flashbang when you cast the meteor card should be decreased. The first time I used that card my first thought was: Oh *&#@! The game just crashed again!
- The 'extra' card should not reduce the remaining cards count as it is supposed to be an extra.
- Zoom with the mouse scroll.
- When we click on the fireplace/ church/lab, the focus of the mouse should be the construction and not the humans in front of it.
- There should be a counter for the number of humans.
- List of wishes on screen or on the base menu.
- Seeds (like minecraft) or preset world selections - (Sugested by the user Breadboyvevo)
- Save/Load functionality - (Sugested by the user connerelfman)
- Add animals to the game as well as achievements related to animals like Carnivores (have 60% of your population to eat meat) or Vegans (none of your population eats meat) - (Sugested by the user Mackydee03) - This one is already under development
- Improve the item creation animation/behavior to avoid itens being created and thrown into water or lava or any kind of terrain that destroy the item.
- The flickering on the start menu screen is upseting some players and I agree that the movement of the leathers is ok but the flickering of the entire screen could cause some issues like headaches with susceptible people - (Sugested by the user connerelfman)
- Add Discord Rich Presence to the game - (Sugested by the user ryanmatt)
- Add a "Simmilandpedia" or some kind of log of the discoveries with the way they were found in order to help in case the player forget how to achieve something that he already found in another game - (Sugested by the user Mackaa)
- The "Industrial Revolution" achievement could be more specific showing the exact number of each resource that must be gathered in order to obtain the achievement.
- The inventory of dead humans (like pickaxes, axes, hammers and so on) could be droped in the ground rather than vanishing with the deceased - (Sugested by the user Kruzgoth) - This one is already under development
More to come...