Hello, everyone! I’m LunarMoon and I’m an aspiring game developer here on Itch io. If you’re anything like me, you enjoy indulging in your obscure interests. Maybe you enjoy watching three-hour long video essays on YouTube discussing why this decade old indie game is actually a secret masterpiece. Or maybe you like delving into the interesting history of Barbie and all its controversies. Or maybe you’re just an unapologetic game theory fan…
I enjoy talking about things I find interesting and I thought it would be fun to share it with other enthusiasts here on Itch io. I know Itch io is a mainly game-oriented site so it’s more likely that people would talk about games. Shocker. And that’s not to say that I’ll never talk about games, but I’ll probably talk about other things too like TV shows and Youtube Channels. Whatever floats my boat really
So buckle up LunarLoonies, because my first post is going to be a loooong one
Literally 90% of the stuff on here is One Piece discussions. I have no shame
(WARNING: You may pose a risk of losing brain cells while listening to everything this weirdo has to say. Symptoms include: screaming, uncontrollable weeping and confusion as to how someone this cringey can exist. Viewer Discretion is advised)