When I try to load my resources from a javascript file in my HTML5 game project (made with Phaser), I get a 403 error message.
here is the link to the game: https://fmproductions.itch.io/asciiventure
I'm sorry to bother someone with this problem again. I have checked other threads and there was often the suggestion to check if the upper-and lowercase characters are correct, since itch.io resolves paths case sensitive and that only relative paths are used. As far as I can tell, I considered both suggestions but still get the error. I will check if I can find a solution in the meantime, but I'd be grateful for any helpful suggestions.
here is the error stack:
GET https://v6p9d9t4.ssl.hwcdn.net/html/assets/texts/imgs/background.txt 403 ()
xhrLoad @ phaser-2-ce.min.js:3
loadFile @ phaser-2-ce.min.js:3
processLoadQueue @ phaser-2-ce.min.js:3
start @ phaser-2-ce.min.js:3
preUpdate @ phaser-2-ce.min.js:3
updateLogic @ phaser-2-ce.min.js:3
update @ phaser-2-ce.min.js:3
updateRAF @ phaser-2-ce.min.js:3
window.requestAnimationFrame.forceSetTimeOut._onLoop @ phaser-2-ce.min.js:3
requestAnimationFrame (async)
start @ phaser-2-ce.min.js:3
(anonymous) @ phaser-2-ce.min.js:3
execute @ phaser-2-ce.min.js:3
dispatch @ phaser-2-ce.min.js:3
_ready @ phaser-2-ce.min.js:3
_checkReady @ phaser-2-ce.min.js:3
_removePending @ phaser-2-ce.min.js:3
n.onload @ phaser-2-ce.min.js:3
load (async)
addImageAsync @ phaser-2-ce.min.js:3
addMissingImage @ phaser-2-ce.min.js:3
_addImages @ phaser-2-ce.min.js:3
e.Cache @ phaser-2-ce.min.js:3
boot @ phaser-2-ce.min.js:3
e.Device._readyCheck @ phaser-2-ce.min.js:3
setTimeout (async)
e.Device.whenReady @ phaser-2-ce.min.js:3
e.Game @ phaser-2-ce.min.js:3
FloppyGame @ floppy-jam.js:1849
window.onload @ floppy-jam.js:2604
load (async)
(anonymous) @ floppy-jam.js:2603
phaser-2-ce.min.js:3 Phaser.Loader - text[backgroundTxtAsset]: error loading asset from URL ../assets/texts/imgs/background.txt (403)