In this topic you can share sets you have imported and prepared for the game. To share a set, go to the savegames folder ("C:\Users\itch-player-{someID}\AppData\Local\TheBricksperience\Saved\SaveGames" when you use the client), zip up the three files with the filenames "Set_[setname].sav", "Set_[setname].jpg" and "Set_[setname]_t.jpg", and upload the zip file somewhere (such as Google Drive).
Some sets by Cr1TiKa7 can be found here:
I suggest not to upload to since I don't upload new versions of The Bricksperience there anymore and would like to remove it from that site.
If you need help importing a set:
If the bricks of the imported set are not available in The Bricksperience: