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Error Ware 2 [Try the Demo!]

A topic by U-GameZ created Jun 10, 2016 Views: 16,403 Replies: 165
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(10 edits) (+2)

(Go to the last page for the most recent updates)

Hi, I'm McJey from U-GameZ!

I'm from Germany and still fairly new to, I've posted some updates in the past in the game's community, but I did not get much feedback there, so maybe here´s a better place for a Devlog :)

You can check out an (outdated) demo for Windows on the game´s page here!

Alpha Trailer (June 2015)

But what is this game about?

Well, as the title suggests, it's a sequel to "Error Ware", a "Wario Ware"-style party game I released for free in 2012. I love the Wario Ware series, but imo there haven"t been many good games since Smooth Moves on the Wii. So I made my own, of course! XD

I'm making games in Game Maker for 8 years now and Error Ware has been the first game that turned out to be actually quite good! It got some good reviews on IndieDB / Desura (RIP) and even reviews & Let's Plays on YouTube from all over the world, which was amazing to see :D

Coming up and programming dozens of short minigames has been and still is a great game developing exercise, but quite time consuming, as well. I´m doing all of it on my own (concepts, graphics, sound, music, programming, debugging...) and I still have other jobs, so progress can be a little slow (I wanted to release it in 2015 originally, now I have a hard time to get it done this year lol).


  • Challenging gameplay with quick minigames ála Wario Ware / Bishi Bashi
  • Playable with up to 4 friends locally
  • Supports keyboard & mouse, a gamepad & even a Wii Remote with motion controls!
  • Text & voices in English, French & German
  • Colorful visuals with catchy music
  • Lots of unlockables like retro style "Error Boy" games, toys, music...
  • Engine: Game Maker 8.1 Pro by YoYo Games
  • Platform: Windows

Current status: Alpha

The main game mechanics, some micro games and most of the menus are finished. I'm working on the unlockable "Abstráctomon" Error Boy game (a Pokémon parody in the style of the GBA titles) right now.

When that's done, I'll add a few more minigames & release a new demo for you to enjoy!

I appreciate any feedback and ideas for the game! If you want to help me in any way (translating, ideas, promoting...) or have questions feel free to ask!

You can find me here, too:

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Here´s an animation I did today!

Have a nice weekend :)

Gameplay of the almost finished ingame-shop. Not that many things to buy yet, but that will change in the future :)

I need to display the player´s money, but otherwise that´s it for now.

I will focus on finishing the unlockable Abstráctomon game next.

Abstráctomon move #95: Terrify. I hope you like critters!

Here´s another test fight.

I´m almost done with implementing all of the attacks. Just 6 more to go!

Then it´s time for items...

I´m finally done with coding in all 102 Abstráctomon moves! Yeah! I hope that is enough...

I improved the displayed team info in Abstráctomon today! What do you think?

Hey this looks great!

Quick question, are you going to release on Linux too? It would be a shame to not support that platform as more and more steam boxes are hooked up to TVs and this seem like a good couch romp for the family.

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Thank you :)

The thing is, I startet this project in Game Maker 8 for Windows. Unfortunately it's not that easy to move it over to Game Maker Studio (which could support more platforms), because I'm using certain programming querks and addons that are not compatible.

I basically had to rebuilt the whole game from scratch in a newer engine.

But if there is a way to play .exe games in Linux you could maybe try it?

So planned for now is only Windows support, for other platforms I would need help to port it...

Yeah, wine works ok-ish most of the time, but native support is king when it comes to user engagement ;)

Working on the items menu for Abstráctomon.

Displaying part of a table and make it scrollable was more complicated than I thought, but I finally got it working. So the Item selection works now! Now I just have to make the Items actually usable. But that shouldn´t be too hard...

Hey, i tried your game Error Ware 2 and i find it really cool and well polished !

I would like to see how it can be fun 4 players playing simultaneously !

I made this feedback video to show you what i think of the game :

Sometimes you will hear that it was hard to express myself corectly because i'm french, sorry about that.

I think i could be a future buyer :)

(My game Pharmakon is looking for feedback too :) )


Thank you so much for your feedback! It´s very helpful! I´m German, so my English isn´t great either :)

Did you find any translation errors in French? If so, please post them here.

I already fixed a lot of bugs that are present in the currently available demo. I will release an updated demo in a few weeks!

I´ll try to make it easier to understand some of the minigames you had trouble with. And I´m going to try your game, too, so look out for my video review :)

Now you can see the item bag in action! And I finished the catching mechanic (the animation at least)!

Abstráctomon Intro & Title screen done!

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Introducing the first Gym Leader in Abstráctomon: Venom Violet Version!

Weldon´s Gym is located in a wind park and owns a large energy company. He´s an expert welder and specialized in electric and flying type Abstráctomon.

And here´s the second gym leader: Capt'n Arnold! Since he retired from sailing the seven seas, always searching for new water Abstráctomon, he leads the water / normal type gym.

The third gym leader is ready to fight: Anna! She recently opened a Hip Hop dance school and loves fighting & ground type Abstràctomon. Can you keep up with her smooth moves?

A first look at my overworld engine for Abstráctomon! Objects automatically get collision and the correct depth (depending on the player's y position so they are either in front or behind him) and background tiles can be animated. Signs work already, too!

The character's sprite is a placeholder of course :)

Tip: in Game Maker there is a problem with tiles when color interpolation is active (a basic form of anti aliasing). You can get nasty gaps in between tiles depending of the screen resolution. Luckily, you can switch it on and off during gameplay!

So the game looks a bit sharper now & tiles work perfectly.

Hey, your game look amazing! i also love the WarioWare serie, is there any plan on releasing a linux version?

I'm only capable of releasing a Windows version on my own, for Linux and other platforms I would need help to port it over.

If you know someone who has got experience with porting from Windows & Gamemaker let me know!

You can message me here, on

Twitter @UGameZ_McJey

or per email


Here I showcase recently added features to the overworld in "Abstráctomon", a unlockable game in the upcoming "Error Ware 2" by U-GameZ.

New features include:

  • Dynamic music based on location
  • Dynamic rain & mist
  • Shadow when player is obscured by an large object

I plan to add a few more weather effects and include them in battles.

Happy Halloween! Here's your treat: a new Abstráctomon update video! :)

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Thanks to Knife Drawer Games for this review of the demo!

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I want to take a moment to say thank you for over 500 views & almost 150 downloads of the Error Ware 2 demo!

I really want to make an updated demo available as soon as possible. I did not update it for a long time because most of the work I did this year was "behind the scenes" so to speak, just things like the ingame shop and the Abstráctomon game-in-a-game.

While I made great progress with the Abstráctomon battle system for example, it would not have been much fun to play for you without an overworld, NPCs and so on.

In the last two days I made it possible for your creatures to learn new moves when reaching certain levels, and it suddenly felt a lot more like a game :)

Also I decided to add another 30 or so monsters and a few more moves, so if you have any ideas you can send me your ideas and monster designs to

Twitter: @UGameZ_McJey and it might makes it into the game!

A drawing (only your own ideas, please do not steal stuff from devianart or something) + type (no fairy types) and a cool name would be awesome!

Have a nice weekend!

I recorded some new Abstráctomon Gameplay!

In the last couple of days I

  • added wind as a weather effect (there is now bright sunlight, rain, fog, snow, hail, duststorms, thunderstorms and wind in the game along with a day & night cycle),
  • improved the lighting at night,
  • made it possible to learn new moves when leveling up
  • and fixed a lot of bugs.
Hope you enjoy the video! Oh, and I earned my first 2 € over, so thank you :)

Hey, the game looks pretty cool, will you be needing more music for it? If so I would love to help out, you can check out my portfolio here

Thank you! I actually made way to many tracks for this game already :D

But I like your music! Especially the asian and medieval stuff!

Hah, ok fair enough. Well if you ever need any more, or for future projects let me know :D

Originally I aimed for a 2016 release, but time flies... I need more time to make this game the best I ever made.

New goal is "sometime in 2017™ ". I made a brand new trailer for you to enjoy, though!

Happy holidays!

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I want to thank Reddit user "KayleeTheConqueror" again for his Abstráctomon monster idea he posted in this thread!

Here's my final interpretation:

If you have an awesome idea for my game let me know!

  • Via Twitter: @UGameZ_McJey
  • Reddit Private Message: "U-GameZ" or in this thread,
  • Email: ugamezgermany[at]gmail[dot]com
  • or here!

And on another note: if you want to learn more about some of my older projects, experiments and abandoned games, you might enjoy my new YouTube series "What I Worked On" (or WIWO for short) :)

Happy Holidays!

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Hope you've had a nice 2017 so far :)

Today I want to share two new pieces of music I made for the Abstráctomon game-in-a-game in Error Ware 2.

Winter Town

Gym Battle 2

I hope you like them!

Right now I'm working on new monster designs for the game, enjoying Planet Coaster (I'm building an Error Ware inspired park. I'm gonna make a new video of it soon, so check out my YouTube channel if you're interested!) and waiting for the Nintendo Switch presentation...

Hello there!

I want to share the latest Abstráctomon updates with y'all!

(Click images to enlarge)

As you can see, I added a start menu. You have quick access to your current team, the item bag, the new Abstráctodex (see below!)...

You can save & load the game now anytime on the overworld as well, so if you mess up a fight you can load your last save file without leaving Abstráctomon. Note that There can only be 1 Abstráctomon save file inside an EW2 savefile. If you start a new EW2 save, the Abstráctomon save file will also be reset for that new EW2 save file.

...and the new settings menu. You can now play in fullscreen and speed up fights, for example!

So as I mentioned there is now something called Abstráctodex.

If you start the game, it'll be pretty empty, but the more monsters you encounter (and catch!), the more data it will collect. On this first page, you can see the total number of seen and caught monsters on the bottom left. On the right, you can scroll through the list of entries. Caught Abstráctomon are indicated by a Abstráctoball symbol next to their Dex number.

Below the list are some bars showing known areas, weather conditions and the time of day where the selected monster can be caught in the wild (since in this example I selected my starter Abstráctomon, they're all set to "unknown").

If you caught the monster, you have access to additional data on page 2, where you can get a feel for its size and weight and read its describtion (I still have to write most of them, so there's no text in this picture) .

And finally, on Page 3, you can see your beatiful beast from behind and information about its evolutions (to minimize spoilers, the data will be vague if you have not seen an evolution yet).

That's all for today!

What do you think? Pretty cool, eh?

What's on the menu?

Today, I want to share a quick progress video I made showing off some of the latest additions to my Pokémon persiflage "Abstráctomon", which will be unlockable in the upcoming game "Error Ware 2" for Windows (sometime in 2017, probably).

New features include:

  • a proper Start menu
  • the "Abstráctodex"
  • improved item bag
  • saving & loading inside the game
  • game settings, including
  • zoom & turbo battle

I also implemented over 80 monsters and 112 moves, with more to come (my goal is to have at least 100 monsters and about 130 moves). The game will be playable for the public when things like boxes to store your caught monsters in, evolutions and a larger overworld with NPCs are done.

I can't say if I'll be able to add online functionality (trading / battles) to it, simply because I have no clue how this stuff works :/ If you know someone who would like to help me (I'm using Gamemaker 8.1), leave a comment or message me on Twitter: @UGameZ_McJey or wirte an email to ugamezgermany[at]gmail[dot]com.

Keep in mind this will be just a small part of Error Ware 2, so yeah, go ahead and call me crazy.

Have an awesome weekend!

-Mc Jey

I recently implemented evolution into the "Abstráctomon" game, here's some footage of it (it may change in the future).

I also had to fix the item list (again) and you can now swap team members around outside of battles.

Hi everyone!

In the past weeks I worked on a new EBA game called "Gourmet Gorilla", where you are in a weird mechanical restaurant trying to please a Gorilla's hunger for fruit. Its almost done! I just need to finish some graphics and add more levels to it,

I'll make a video of it when it´s done!

I also reworked a few old Abstráctomon monster sprites and came up with brand new designs as well:

As you can (hopefully) tell, these are based on cooking equipment. The one on the left is a Steel type and is supposed to evolve into different forms depending on the weather.

If the sun is shining bright, it will evolve in the "Fondue"-monster, a Steel/Fire type seen here in the center.

If there is a thunderstorm, it will evolve into the "Raclette"-monster, a Steel/Electric type.

I also have an idea for a "Fridge" monster that could be a Steel/Ice type.

But I did not name them yet, so if you have an idea for a cool name, please leave a comment!


Here`s some new Abstráctomon gameplay! In this video I show off a fight with a recently implemented NPC.

I made a quick video showing off the new map screen in Abstráctomon. Just a simple, more zoomed out view of the current location.

This way I don't have to worry about drawing a map for every single location :) I may add a drawing of the whole "world" + quick travel later to the game, when I got everything in the overworld in the right place.

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