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Accidental Gender Change, can you get back? · By HappyHGames

Gameplay Ideas Sticky

A topic by HappyHGames created Oct 07, 2022 Views: 2,960 Replies: 155
Viewing posts 1 to 57

Trying to have fun with this, so let me know if you have ideas

You should (except the uniform) totally keep the men's clothing…


added, thanks!

Maybe we can ask the girls about pointers for entertainment…?

I wanted to see what would happen if you didnt shower and was a bit disapoited. maybe have a scene where the girls intervine and clean you themselves?


love it!!! Let me see if I can get that added in!!


great idea, I have the mechanics added just need to add the scenes and more text

Thank you glad to here.

Shouldn't the soap wear down faster with more hair to attend to?


probably, still need to look into this

Or, add Hair Shampoo . . . an added, 'money-drain/debt', for 'him'-to-'her', to pay for ? 

(also, before transition/transformation, of the male MC, it could be 'treated' by Jane, as an "early-start", to his New Life, as designed/desired, by the Housemates ! "sneaky" emoji 

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you can save the game from your phone



When wearing the uniform and drinking a coffee first, could you add an option to start working?

Developer (1 edit)

so start as a customer but then switch to working from inside the coffee shop as long as your are wearing the uniform?



Let me see if I can work that in, stay tuned


I think I have this working, I'll push it up shortly. 

Shouldn't there be an ATM in the mall, so you don't have to carry all your money with you all the time?


Good idea, we do need a bank system of some sort now, Let me see if I can figure that out


I added this to the general store for now, I think it’s working correctly. Found after first errand


where else should we have an ATM

The Downtown Plaza could need an ATM

When negotiating with the manager from Surplus Supplies, the MC could mention the money at the bank, too...


good idea, need to consider that now that we have a bank system 

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a progress tap in your phone or the menu that tells you how far you are in the game and what do you need to do next to progress further in the story


oh great idea, thanks!


Hopefully the newly added game tasks system will fill this need, you can access it from the phone or the game menu. 

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when you go to beth's room there's is a chance that you'll see the girls there playing truth or dare and she'll ask you if you want to join in

Developer (1 edit)

nice! Really good idea!!! I’ll see if I can incorporate that!

How about clothing items needing a certain deprival level to buy? Thongs come to mind first...


added in some of this, still needs work

no guide? Or walkthrough?


game is actively being developed so haven’t done one yet. I’ll try to get something together soon, thanks for the suggestion!


added a new game task feature, hopefully this will help. 

Could you display the current ATM stats on the Phone?


good idea! Shouldn’t be too hard to add a check account option


added to next release.

How hard is it to make the "Work" travel option adjustable?
Let's say you want to focus on tutoring students instead of brewing coffee...


:) good idea, I had an idea while back to let you "switch" main jobs, let me think of a way to add that in if I can. 


I THINK I have this working now. Character menu replaces the health area of the top menu since health wasnt being used.

Normally I'd recognise if my toothpaste has the last bit squeezed out - so, maybe a warning if that was the last use?


Good point, let me work on that, still trying to patch bugs and add in scenes due to the adjustments, but I'll work to add this in


added a warning when its getting low, should be in the next release

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When you try to go to sleep it'll ask you "do you want to sleep until night time" and if you say yes. will you can visit the city at night and you can do a lot of different things at night


I LOVE THIS IDEA!!! Let me work on that soon!

Too bad we can't change the underwear in the Mall restroom...


let me look into it.

*facepalm* I'm stupid...
Of course a clothing store should have changing booths...


ok finally got this setup for you :) changing room available after the change in the clothing store IF you buy new clothes that trip


wearing makeup leads to higher tips
(in the cafeteria and library)


this is a good idea, still want to tweak those scenes more so this should be something I can add in.

1) next to the "set tutoring menu" option you should add something like "use last settings" (it's a bit annoying to have to click everything every day)

2) it would be great to have the ability to create outfit sets that can be applied all over with one click

3) it would be good to have an inventory and be able to buy toiletries to stock up

4) it would be great if there was an option to "replay memories" (the possibility to replay scenes (especially sexual ones and especially those that can be encountered only once))

5) an improvement in fitness could increase daily energy

6) sleeping with too much horniness could reduce the amount of energy for the day


really great suggestions, I’ll see if I can incorporate some of this soon


started working on 3 and 4, have push a new version soon with more memories. Currently found under the phone menu. 


#2 added this am, I'm sure it's still a tad on the buggy side. 


For #1 in the next release I think I have it worked out to always default to the last saved state, so if you want to change it you need to go back in and adjust, otherwise it will be setup the way you last left it. 

Shouldn't the second glory hole option give more money than the first?


you bet! Sorry slowly trying to refine, I’ll make sure to address this


I think I tweaked this in the current version if not I will soon, sorry 

Did you take into account that showering after a hard day at the park uses up soap?


let me see if I can do something like that. Thanks!


If the MC is depraved enough before the accident, can't he discover the "extra" in the park bathroom?

And Jane could say that a wall has two sides if he knows...


Started adding this in, but open right from the start for the male mc

You should prepare for the possibility that the player chooses an adrogynous name and just keeps it over the accident...


hard to code against a player chosen name but I get your point. 

Can't we use the Break Room at the Coffee Shoppe for a powernap (once daily)?


Added the ability to take a quick nap, just pushed.


let me look into this

idk if this is the right topic to say this, but;
 there will be content with kevin (friend) and if yes, when will be added?


absolutely and hopefully soon, I’m trying to get content out as quick as I can, always open to story ideas and suggestions for the game too, thanks for posting! 

I think that would be a good idea, to add a path where MC is the top and Kevin is bottom.

So, besides the bug fixes, what was added into the gameplay in the new updates?


there are little bits of the story filled in here and there. I know, I need to do a better job logging what's new. There is a club area now, some more stuff with the corporation, not a ton, and some more bits with the friend.

So, there's something more after doing all the advices steps with the friend and entering the fansite? (I didn't received any messages)

Developer (1 edit)

no, sorry I still need to build the rest of this out, there are other new areas to the game though. 

how can I unlock the corporation and club area?


club opens after a few other evens occur in the game. Probably need to start from a new game to see some of the newer stuff due to the way some of the triggers happen. The corporation opens after you get the door module to Jane, and meet her business partner. 


Perhaps the first shoes (the ones that come with the uniform) shouldn't be such high heels - or the MC should have difficulties walking in them...


Good Point! I need to go back and work on the shoe stuff anyway, I'll try to do something about this!

I'd like to see the gym having a changing room.  There could be scenes in there, of course, but I just need a way to change into my gym clothes after work without having to go home!  I can take advantage of the changing system at the coffee shop, but it doesn't always work well, like if I don't wear a bra under my sports bra, changing into work clothes will be braless and the work lady complains.

The gym could also have a membership fee, if you need a way to soak up some more cash.


let me work on this. Haven’t developed the gym much, it’s been on the list, thanks!


I have stubbed in a locker room for now, no scenes just the ability to shower, and change clothes. the shower is probably broken in that you might end up naked atm. Sorry!

Oh, you're good!  It makes a big difference in the flow of a day, very nice, thanks!  The shower works fine so far, btw, though I haven't noticed a need for it, meaning I don't end up all sweaty or anything after working out, but it's good to have if you forgot to shower before work, I guess, or...  future scenes, maybe!


Thanks! I plan to build out the gym a lot more including the need to shower after a workout... Just need to code it all in. Glad you are enjoying the game!

Something to keep in mind, after showering, we'll need a way to apply makeup, of course!


I assume you mean at the gym, right? Good point!

When you "help" Eve the first time, it seems like the scene is set up for the MC to take some on her face accidentally, and maybe Eve could help her realize it's not so bad as she helps in return


perfect, good idea

I'd like to see different scenes based on what you're wearing.  Like, there could be a stat for how revealing or slutty the outfit is, and like, wearing gym clothes on the bus might be different than wearing a casual jeans outfit.  Etc.


another really good idea, thanks so much!

(2 edits)

So, theres any other scene with Kevin or just the one that you give him a handy? (And does the club have any content besides drinking?)
Anyway, the game is looking good and I think that will be great if you give us a more detailed approach at every uptade


Right now I have been adding in the locations and then fleshing out the gameplay and story, sorry that the game dev logs are a little sparse. The friend scenes are coming but I think the last one is the handy. More bar scenes coming soon too. Thanks so much for playing and I will try to add more to the dev logs on what has changed. I work on this in my spare time so I need to come up with a better way to log the updates anyway. Thanks again!

So, apologize me if I am annoying you, but how can I do the tasks at the corp? And it's good to see that you are making new devlogs


Not annoying at all and sorry, that is till a work in progress... Should have it fleshed out very soon! Sorry, trying to work on the entire game at once, and this is pretty far out in the storyline, so haven't added as much here. 

Maybe a hairdressers


Totally on the list, will be a challenge to program in, so probably break a bunch of stuff when I do :)

I know nothing about making games but I guess it will be a challenge but I do think your game is bloody awesome!


got this added in, introduced some fun bugs I’m working on fixing, but liked the idea so much I had to try. Thanks again, I think it’s getting better, appreciate the ideas. 

it is getting really good!

Personally, and I know we all may have different thoughts on this, but personally, I think the handjob is unlocked far too easily.  Like, just head down to the park and try it as soon as it's suggested?  Seems a little out of character to me, even with the deviation level I'm inevitably at just by playing along.  I would suggest the action (in all the places it can be done) should be unlocked by certain interactions, like with Eve (somehow), or Kevin, or Beth and Jane during chores (With a strap on, a friends, or... ooh! Maybe with Eve?), maybe requiring high arousal to even attempt it.  Same with blowjobs, I like the training requirement, but it still seems too easily accepted, in my opinion.


Excellent points and something I want to work on, I basically have taken the approach of getting things stubbed in and then evolve from there so all of this should be doable. Thanks again!

I feel like maybe it should be the same with actual sex as well, right now it’s just an option that’s suddenly there. It would be nice if maybe you had to go through a process similar to the current blowjob one. That’s just my personal opinion though


agreed, I really need to put some effort into fixing this part of the game. Thank you for playing and the suggestion!

Maybe someone, maybe Jane, has some "music" that will help you relax at night.  Maybe it will help you get more comfortable with your body, maybe it will have side effects related to chores and obedience, who knows?  I'm sure it won't have any side effects in other storylines, either, like at work...


This one has been on the to do list for a while, not this exact idea but one like it, I hope to get something like this stubbed in soon. THANKS SO MUCH FOR ALL THE HELP!

Hey, ideas are easy, and I'm more than happy to share.  Thank YOU for doing all the hard work!

Playing the new versions and is looking good, I just can't see the living room scenes and understand what you added in the park restroom. Anyway, the thing with the doctor is a good addition and the fool around thing with Kevin is cool too, same with Eve


thanks! I hope to have renders done for the living room scenes soon and then those will operate better. Appreciate the comments! Thanks!

Could you optically mark the items in the clothing store that you can't (or can) buy?


Ah yes, let me work on that as well. 


Next release will have a stubbed in visual indicator on clothes you wont wear yet when trying to purchase them. Need to do the same for the shoes, but that whole system needs to be adjusted!

I think with the friend only available every other doay, gameplay comes down to a grind - yes, he should be unavailable on some times, but not that often...


should be addressed in the next push, completely agree!

Hello! This game is amazing and has so much potencial. I wold like to know if there's a way to keep the casted cage, because in certain point it just break. Also, I would like to know if you are planning to add more anal scenes, it would be great to see the MC ride a dildo attached to the ground, or something like that. I think you should add a self-fellatio scene.


thank you for the feedback, love the ideas and hopefully I can get more scenes added soon, love the suggestions! Right now the cage breaks at a certain point for an idea I have for later in the game, not implemented yet, however, I could add in something else/extra too. Thanks again!

Developer (1 edit)

Thanks again for your suggestions, I tried to stub some of your ideas into this last release.  Hopefully more to come soon.

I have tested the release and it was awesome! You rock, man! I will try to think about more content and bring news ideas. I'm happy to collaborate. Thank you!

As you can change at the gym - could you rename the "workout" outfit to something like "going out"?


It changes to this once the first change happens.


should comment about plug more 

If you put food out in the kitchen and don't eat it, can it be taken overnight by someone else?


oh good one.


should tie a lot to wearing girl clothes out, salon opening, money at Park, etc. 

So - hair growth?


this is a good idea, have to think though how I’ll do it visually


should add comment first time caged




once CPU is found, company event happens, then auction...


backpack for Mc to carry stuff around in. 

(1 edit)

Kinda wish the scene where you get the sister and her girlfriend to bathe you To be added in the memories to be replayed and be marked for both before and after the change 


let me work on that!


added this in.


invite guy into stall at park?


I'm not sure if its a story or gameplay suggestion, but a way to keep a low acceptance run while ending up super girly. Also, I'm a sucker for lactation, and I could see it becoming a secret menu type thing if you keep leaking through your uniform. 


so the character is very much against what’s happening, but still ends up super girly? Want to make sure I’m tracking. 


yeah, basically never quite fully accepting her changes even as everyone around her does stuff like using her submissive nature to make sure she doesn't feel confident enough to resist. In short, compliant but resentful, and every so shy and blushy about it. you know, like go back to wearing guy clothes and you can end up restricted from wearing pants.

Wondering if it would be possible for the body type to change as you workout. Like slimmer and more toned.


Good question, I have this planned for the future just need to set aside time to implement. Great suggestion, thanks so much for playing!

You're welcome I really love the game. I look forward to everything you do


its subtle but I just added a bit in where the body tone is visible when nude. this body tone has 2 lvls, again vs subtle and not 100 percent what you were hoping for, but its a start. 

hey at least you listen to the people I really appreciate that. Thank you. I will be checking it out this weekend.


I’ll add this to the downloadable version and do a new release soon, it’s in the web version right now. 


These are in no particular order...

Members only back room at the nightclub that's a sex / fetish play dungeon.

Job opportunity at the unmarked (sex toy) store. MC can earn extra cash giving demonstrations.

Fetish clothing (latex, leather, etc) and BDSM toys at the unmarked store or clothing store.

Threesome scenes, MC in between two men... MC and Eve double teaming someone... MC being double teamed by Beth & Jane.

Domination / betrayal from sister or best friend, MC is restrained and then "rented out" at the sex club, or trained to service the person dominating the MC.


oh excellent suggestions, let me add these to my list, thanks so much! 


try to incorporate some of these now.


Had a thought regarding the transformation chamber/pod and ChemMaster formulas in Jane's lab at work. Using the existing "create new formula" idea, combining the nanobots, truth, and lust you can create a Bimbo formula that increases lip size and minimum sexual arousal, the desire to wear as little clothing as possible, and reduces intelligence. Getting the target to drink the bimbo formula is a temporary change, applying the formula through the transformation pod makes the change permanent. In theory the permanent change could be applied to the target even if they have not gone through the initial transformation.

Also, if there is an eventual "airhead bimbo" stage the MC can reach, halter / bikini tops, micro mini skirts, collars & cuff sets, along with body jewelry (hoop earrings, nipple piercings, etc) could be an option.


ohhh very nice, thanks for the ideas!!


haven’t forgotten this suggestion, still working through a backlog of items.

Developer (2 edits)

adjust friend sleepover, current placeholder needs to go. Add cook for friend, more things to do and areas of friends place to explore. Maybe you eventually get a key to his place.


going to adjust the timing of the friend sleep over stuff, I like it but needs work. 

Had a thought, as physical fitness increases, that could raise the starting amount of energy? For every X number of fitness points gained, add in Y number of energy.


I think I have the basics for this programmed in, should be easy to refine/follow through on. Thanks for the reminder!


Sort of related to the fitness increase idea, as the MC intelligence increases, open up the chance of corrupting various contacts in your life, encouraging them to engage in more deviant behavior? Leave a threesome magazine in Eve's room to plant the idea, come up with interesting formulas at work, and then putting the new formula in your sister and Jane's food at home, and so on...


I like this, I have something stubbed in around the food but never finished it, should be doable, thank you!

(2 edits)

Under the "Character Stats" area :

Suggestion/Want/Need :  Additional Sex-Acts Counted/Tallied   ( the term, Taken*, could  be, Received, instead . . . your choice Dev .)

They Happen, (quite graphically), They should be, counted too !

1-Anal Fucks : Given, & Taken*

2-Vaginal Fucks Given, & Taken* . . . 

3-and maybe, "Cream-pies" : Given, & Taken, (as some people are quite "into" that fetish ! ) "devilishly smiling" emoji

Also, might as well add a Request here as well . . . :

How about adding the Fetishes : Exhibitionism !& Commando, abilities/desires to the MC, either before the accident, or, after ?? ( via, his personal interests, or, via, the Housemates, personal, devious desires )  "pleading", &, "devilishly-smiling" emoji's