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A member registered Dec 20, 2021

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Yeah all it said was to hold for the prompt but never explained what the prompt was so i was at a loss on what to do.

It says to click and hold for the prompt. no prompt ever came in the end she said she was sabotaged and died. Is there another button besides left click im supposed to hit?

Would it be possible to add a toggle crouch. I am also wondering if you could fix the flashlight mechanics. If the flashlight is on when you are attacked or go through a door you have to manually turn it off before you can turn it back on. Got killed by Roxy while walking through a hallway by the shop since I couldn't see where I was it essentially became a death loop.

I was using gaming headphones if that may have been the issue.

my only complaint is the music is way too loud. I have the music dropped down to 1 and the SFX maxed and the music is still blaring and everything else is a whisper. i don't want to turn the music off but it is feeling like it's my only option.

I keep reading Claires' lines with Laura Jill millers' voice.

Great game. Once the sun goes down if you are caught outside there is no hope. It is far to dark as there is nothing to catch your bearings. there were 2 instances where i waited it out and found myself staring at the ground.

Yeah i panicked when the snowman appeared. Thanks. 

Accidentally double tapped R instead of shift. End up locking the game on an infinite reload. 

just happened to me

Its not criticism if all you are doing is telling them to fire someone over it.  You could have just been a normal person and said i don't know "The game lags at times, MC comes off to strong, the pacing feels to slow".

Same. i gave up once the speed picked up and decided how high of a negative score i could get by spamming the keys.

Ok thx. looking forward to it.

Thx. Are there any plans to give the girls dialogue. It just feels a bit to silent for me personally.

I made the mistake of hitting the folder to work minigame and now every time i hit right click or esc to save it jumps me back in the middle of it. I can still use the floppy disc to save but muscle memory keeps messing me up.

How do you beat the purple ones? I got to 4m p/s and was swarmed by about 20. I 26m on hand and became -153k in seconds. Please fix.

(1 edit)

Please keep the scene of Lilith vs the fish exactly as is. It is absolutely perfect.

Thank you for the game.

no it was a fresh game.

I don't know exactly what caused the script error. Usually you would roll it back and that would work but this time it crashed the game. I've been playing other renp'y projects and they have the same issue on rollback, so it might just be something on the game engine side of it.

I have ran into three bugs during play. The only serious one was a script loop error when talking to the chyunibo after she mad made the comment of maybe not shipping me with other guys, that error crashed the game. there was one where eating breakfast together rendered a black screen and initiated chat with step sis. the final one occured if i say step sis in the living room when her lust was above 40 in which she would have her shower sprite. if you activated the midnight snack she would be shown naked. im actualy not sure if the last one was a bug or just an easter egg you put in.

Love the game just thought you should know in case a larger problem stems off them.

I used the default names. It dropped my real name and scared the shit outta me.

I'm having difficulty figuring out how to get other costumes. I beat the game and i was given a hint involving basketball.

Ran into an issue on night 5. when she a pproched the hallway it was a 50-50 on if the walking sound would happen and even then if it did, it was after she caught you.

Thx. was just curious.

she keeps mentioning that her boobs can be changed. Is that a feature as of now?

Not a game breaking issue. there is a glitch in the current build where when a bot in the factory finishes talking the next one will have the same convo.

Nothing important just thought you should know.

I don't remember exactly. but i believe it should be close to 1900.  close to it but not exact.

Looks amazing.

That's what scares me most. Especially because she's not the only one. Love it.

I choose Froggy as a reference to sonic.

Just hit the ending for this update. WTF??? Not the ending itself but just before that. I mean not against it but haven't to many vns do "that" to often.

It feels like there is so much and so little at the same time. PLS never stop. The characters are just to lovable.

How to view the gallery? i tried every button on my keyboard.

I like it. I think adding in sliders for the boobs and butt would go a long way. Also I feel the toy are a bit bland. They just feel like different colors rather than different toys. sorry just my personal oppinion.

The game keeps crashing before start up

I figured it out. i some how added a number to the secound one and it through the entire thing off.

How to get throught the first puzzle i tried the cipher ad j is the odd one out but nothing works. it wouldent be so bad if i could save but to get to that i need to use the code first. ive been at it for three hours thinking my math is wrong.