So, I've been working on my new game for a couple of months now, and it's my first ever game on this platform and on Unity, and it wasn't really something I was looking into making it a really big game, it was kinda a test game. It's more on the simple side, and I made it that way on purpose so I could ease into learning Unity and other things related to game dev. The thing is, it's getting pretty boring, my code is messy from my coding habits changing, and just moments where I was super lazy. I feel my ambition isn't this game, only because I know that this is a game that I would have to take a very long time to turn it into something remotely successful. I know, success takes time, effort, and maybe even good fortune, idk. My main point is, I don't feel like this game is the best I can do. I just want to make something cooler then a 2D game that isn't very pleasing to the eye or isn't any fun at all.
The reason I made this post was to ask anyone who's experienced what I'm experiencing now, what should I do? What did you do, and was it a good call?