Hello, everyone! I know there are other developers here who get assets from Open Game Art, because I noticed games made with them. Let's make friends! My account there is http://opengameart.org/users/claudeb and I'd love to hear from you.
My second goal with this thread is to advertise Open Game Art a little, because it deserves to be better known. At least one of my games simply wouldn't have existed without freely reusable content. More generally, I think it's absurd to require completely original art for each and every videogame. Not every board game needs to invent its own pieces. Not every card game needs a deck drawn from scratch. You're going to talk about expectations, but expectations are cultural constructs. We can and should change them when they're damaging and limiting to creativity. And OGA can be part of that.
So can itch.io for that matter. So stand up and be counted. :)