Hey itch.io,
Why are you not providing pay-to-play services?
I've put a lot of time and research into monetization strategies. itch.io, you're the best for game devs, no doubt. Your terms are reasonable and fair. Your business model seems to suggest that you have actual, non-sociopathic humans making business policy and decisions. So much goodness for devs and players (I've been locked away for 6 years working on a game, just found you).
Why, in the name of sustainability, are you not providing P2P services? I just joined so maybe I just haven't found such offered services. I've already done a lot of searching around though, so if you truly aren't providing P2P services, here's my idea (itch, are you there, are you seeing this?).
Provide P2P cloud-based services so the devs are compensated based on actual playtime, and players only pay if and when they play. Use the same or similar pricing model, just add P2P backend services for games so that extremely hard-earned intellectual property (game dev work) isn't given away in the HOPES of maybe getting compensated. Player-driven market forces will ultimately set the price/cost for play time. Such a service/model provides devs with an option to maintain and secure their IP while also providing F2P and try before you buy. Such as service/model also provides players with much more granular, and rewarding, control over every dollar they spend on play time. And, last, but not to be minimized in any way, is the cost to maintain such cloud-based services. I'm very confident that itch.io will be able to work out the margins and model for both making it sustainable and profitable, without the egregious @pple/g00gle arm+leg required cuts/fees.
What say you itch.io? Are you already working on this? Is the threat of 2 trillion dollar corporations too much to contend with? I have a proof of concept if you're interested, and it's on GCP right now so that should help to keep 1 trill happy(er)? I haven't even mentioned the possibilities with WebGL and itch.io together for P2P. Huge potential, huge savings and ROI for all (except the trillionaires, but I think they'll be fine).
If you made it this far. Thanks for your time. Very much appreciated.