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A member registered Jun 30, 2020 · View creator page →

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Updated on 19/2/2022 - This issue has been fixed, and the interact buttons have been combined into one button to remove any confusion/inconvenience.

Thanks for the feedback, glad you liked the music! It was made near the end of the jam, so I'm glad it turned out well!

Rated! The music was definitely a strong point in this game, and I loved that you even gave a specific download for the OST!

Rated! Very fun game, and fits the theme really well with all the destruction you can cause in the house!

I already rated your game on this thread, but I must say it is still one of my favourites :)

Rated! I liked the minimalistic art style and the soundtrack, they really helped support the gameplay!

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Rated! The art was good, and turning into a dragon was a really fun and unique mechanic!

Rated! This was a cool game, I liked the music and art style especially!

Rated! I like the defense theme, as it is a unique take on the theme that not many games chose!

Rated! Your game was really unique, and very fun to play as well, once I got the hang of the controls!

Rated! I liked the 'Fame' mechanic and avoiding mechanics like instant death, it made the game feel a lot more fair to the player!

Rated! I loved the creative use of minigames to make this game chaotic and fun!

Rated! Really cool game, I especially loved your take on the theme, it was very different than a lot of others I've played! Great work!

Rated! I loved the VFX of the colours merging, and it was fun trying to see how many conversions I could fit in without completely losing red in the process! Great job!

Rated! Loved the art, music, and how the levels scaled up with random generation and an increasing number of crystals!

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Rated! Great job, your game was really fun!

Thanks for the feedback!

Thanks for the review, glad you liked the game!

Yeah, those are great ideas! I wanted the AI to completely remove some of the items the player required in order to force them to obtain it by knocking over carts, but it was more of a last minute thought and not something I wanted to risk breaking the game to add right before building. I agree having the supermarket have more variety with hazards and different initial stocks for items (maybe even dependent on item size / season?) would be something I could add if I continue development on this. Thanks for the feedback!

Thankd for the feedback! The control scheme is definitely one of the weaker points for the game, I wish I could have made them more intuitive for sure! Glad you enjoyed it despite that!

Thanks for the feedback, I agree that it would have been wise to add some visual indication as to where each grocery item was located, as to help the player more easily navigate the store. Also, although I had at first made the window animation (between weeks) faster, when I added the score breakdown for each week I also slowed them down a little so that people could have time to glance over it. A system where the player could choose to skip the pause during the transition between weeks may be in order if I develop this further. Thanks for the feedback!

Rated! I loved the 3D graphics, the game looks great, and was really fun!

Great job! Love the game, some problems such as no crosshair and non-scaling UI have already been mentioned, but overall this is a well-executed game for the time limit!

Rated! Great work, you game was really fun!

Good game, I liked the concept and how the chaos built up over time!

Yep, one of the things that seems obvious in retrospect, but didn't occur to me as I got used to the odd control scheme while testing it. A prime example of the importance of playtesting, for sure! Glad you enjoyed the concept!

That's great to hear, thank you for playing!

Thanks! I agree the control scheme needed an overhaul, but sadly as I tested the game and got used to the controls I forgot how large of an issue it actually was. Despite that, I'm glad you had fun!

Glad you enjoyed, thanks for the comment!

Rated! Good job, the game is really fun, and the art is amazing!

Great job, love the aesthetic and the soundtrack especially!

Rated! It's a really cute game, love the art style and the shadows!

I love the art style with the shadows and paper thin items, as well as the chaos at the end! Great job!

Not sure if it's too late, but I will also drop it in the chat if there is a lull in content ;)

Rated! I loved the quick respawns and difficulty scaling! Also, the boss reveal was  definitely one of the Top 10 Anime Betrayals of all time. Great work!

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I'm glad that you found my game fun, I also got a similar vibe when working on all the pixel art for it! Thanks for the positivity, it honestly means a lot to me! :D

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Thanks for the praise, I'm glad you like it! I'm really proud of it, as it's my best project by a mile!

Also, don't worry about double commenting, I also get it occasionally. I'll delete the duplicate.

Solid all-round platformer. Loved the art for the character and the level difficulty was designed well. Good work!

Rated! Love the unique idea, thanks for sharing your game here!

This is a really interesting concept, I love the unique defending style and the art!