yeah we wish we had more time to wrap up all the mechanics and make it more intuitive to play. Thanks for checking it out!
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Thanks for the feedback! Yeah I had some trouble with collisions with the kangaroos and the collision that is supposed to kill you if you fall off the map. The slider's were all being weird I could not figure out why you have to click 3/4 of the way up the bar to move it. I honestly should have swapped it with just a number setting or something. All things I plan on fixing after the jam is over.
Thank you for the feedback and posting a video! so cool to watch someone else play our game. Everything you said is absolutely right. some of the hitboxes are kind of weird and when you fell offthe map, there actually is a death box there which is why you stopped falling but its not killing you for some reason. It seems like that's the only part of the map where you don't die if you fall off.
Also I think you're right the boomerang was tad slow. This was personally my first game jam and I ended up spending a lot more time getting the mechanics working than I did designing the level. I also didn't spend much time fine tuning the game feel but its definitely something I want to come back to.
Very cool! It fit the theme very well and was a lot of fun and not to mention well implemented. Great game!
If you have time I would love it if you played and rated my game
This game was so cool! I absolutely think it should win the jam. It played really well and I loved the 1 bit style. Also the soundtrack was amazing!
I posted in your community post as well but I'd love it if you played my teams game. We also had the idea to do a boomerang but did a side scroller platformer instead.
I would love it if you played our game!
Cool game! A little something different than the other games I've played so far. I thought the ammo was a little too limited based on the number of zombies there were and the zombie's for the most part were pretty easy to avoid. I liked it! 8 out of 10.
If you have time I would love it if you played and rated my game :)
I loved the art style, very creative! I also liked the mechanic of being able to crab and hang off of ledges. I didn't see too much of the theme present and the gameplay beyond that was pretty typical for a platformer. I'd give it a 7 out of 10!
If you have time, I would love it if you played my game :)
Nice game! I liked the art style. There were some orbs and platforms that seemed impossible to reach because the jump was too small. I'm not sure if there was an intended way to be able to do that and it wasn't clear, or if the jump was just not set correctly. Overall though it was pretty cool!
If you have time I would love it if you played and rated my game :)