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A member registered Aug 02, 2021 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

I don't have time to play this at the moment, but I saw the game on Reddit. Looks like a ton of work went into this game and I wish the developer(s) all the best!

Yea! I'll give it a look in a few hours after work!

Thanks! I'll check yours out after work!

Okay, thanks for sharing! I'll check out yours after work!

Played back! Thanks for checking mine out!

For the first 5 minutes of playing I thought I was the boat in the foreground LOL I'm such an idiot. Anyway, I enjoyed playing! That lifeguard is a jerk. It was pretty sinister destroying the whole beach lol, I had fun >:)

Very enjoyable game you created! Well done. I really enjoyed playing.

Ay I'm your 20th rating! Wow okay this game is the best I've played so far! This is the first game I went BACK to and played. The core mechanic of the game is very interesting, reminiscent of 2048. I struggled to understand that the wind mechanic cost gold for a bit, but after I figured it out, NO SWEAT. Super enjoyable challenge, definitely deserving of a high rating. With levels, different areas, different tile load outs you could choose from, this game could absolutely pop off commercially.

I also got stuck in a pit... [dies]

Haha fun to play! Cute game! The voice sound effect kept cracking me up LOL

(1 edit)

I'll check yours out tomorrow! I just played through two other games, yours will be first when I can play again :)

Edit: Done!

Thanks, wow your game was amazing! Super well done!

This was the first game I played that felt like a borderline finished product! DAMN. So impressive! The game got a little hard a bit quick and totally required all my brain cells. I got to level 4 and stopped for the night because holy hell, this is not a game that can be completed in 10 minutes. The rotation of the tiles was a little confusing/unintuitive and would benefit from just a simple arrow pointing in the direction of the unit. As for the theme, it didn't seem totally applicable, but regardless, I think with a little balancing, this game could totally be on Steam! Exceptional.

Really liked this one! The graphics were superb! The game play was a tad slow, but this was spot on for the theme and definitely a cool idea!

Sure! Let's trade reviews! :D
My game:

Hi! I need ratings and maybe you do too! I'll happily play your game if you link it below, maybe you could play mine too? <3

My game:

Cute game, I enjoyed what I played! I couldn't figure out how to start the day and have the customers come :(

Sure! Here's my game: I'll rate yours tonight!

I'd be happy to check out your game! Here's my game: I'll rate yours tonight!

I'd love for you to play my game! Here's my submission: I'll rate yours tonight!

Sure! Here's my game:
I'll rate yours tonight!

(1 edit)

Yea, that was awesome. Loved the artwork and ambience. Super well done! I wish my art looked as good as this!

EDIT: Some notes, I had trouble with screen resolution as well as jumping occasionally wouldn't go through (maybe there was a minimum timer on being able to use your double jump after your jump?). I also encountered a bug where if you dashed on the ground you would run super fast. Honestly, this could be a feature instead of a bug lol

(1 edit)

I got launched into space by an meteor lol. Cool game! Reminds me of Catlike Coding's movement tutorial or Mario Galaxy!

Oh I also loved your render texture for the planet (the world map lol literally a world map). It was a great effect!

Thanks for the feedback! I absolutely needed to have some player feedback when picking up items and interacting with the level. I only added a little, so it will be certainly one of the first things I tackle when I add more to the game! Thanks a bunch!

Sure! Let's swap games!
Here's my page:
Checking yours out now!

Okay, this was definitely one of my favorite, if not my favorite submission so far, I really enjoyed this game. I think it was a cool idea/concept stemming from the Game Jam's theme, and it just felt really intriguing when I was exploring the inside of the worm. I would love to see more of this game fleshed out! Great submission <3

Original concept! Woo! Enjoyed my time playing!

Super solid! Enjoyed the game, I would love to see it updated! I had fun playing!

(1 edit)

Oh nice! I'll check it out!

EDIT: Done!

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I didn't see anything about reuploading in the rules, so I added Windows support and browser! Woo!
EDIT: just kidding... I can't figure out browser support :(

Thanks for the feedback! Yea I definitely agree the level is way too hard, would have loved to create a few levels with increasing difficulty, but totally ran out of time :/ Thanks for the feedback though!

I think I encountered a bug, the game kept crashing/failing to load after I collected all the items and the timer ended. Would have loved to see more game :( 

Looks phenomenal. Loved the hatching post processing effect.

Hooly your artwork is insane! I'll check it out right now!

Ahh, gotcha. I died at the start of wave three on my last play through, I'll need to give it another go then :P
Curse you Lerp! lol! I had fun, will play again!

It took me a while to realize Bonnie (I think?) was the one dying in the third chapter. If there was some feedback that she was the one who died, I would have figured it out a lot sooner.

Otherwise, loved the art and the vibe. At the end of the first chapter/act it felt so eerie like it was a horror game! I definitely loved the mood you accomplished and the top down and side views. 

Cool game!

Thanks!! Right back at you! <3

Ayyy! I enjoyed this one! Your graphics are super well done and the game was definitely enjoyable to play! I was looking forward to ability upgrades or different weapons, but I didn't see them :<

The UI also didn't completely go away after a wave was completed (its opacity was stuck at like 10% or something). Nice game!

I'll definitely check out a fellow mac developer!

(1 edit)

Checking it out now!

EDIT: Done!