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Weird Bug

A member registered Mar 01, 2021 · View creator page →

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can’t wait for this to go on sale! :D

this looks great, man!

hi! i have godot experience about 3+ yrs i’d love to join with godot devs as well! :D

hi! i am an experienced godot dev can i join? :D i’d like to learn something new!

this looks nice! hopefully it goes on sale <3

great to hear! goodluck!

this looks great! i was wondering why there isn’t a running animation?

this is nice!

its really clever, i love the artstyle too!

I wish it could be fixed anytime soon. It is a very good pack, and I just wanted it to be used for convenience.

it is very difficult to use especially when using tilemaps, i would love it if there were no white spaces between sprites everywhere!!. or maybe provide a singles of each sprite instead.

anyone knows how to use this in godot? its a bit difficult to do.

I would love to!

i like it! i just wish i could see further during the cannon ball mode.

are you planning to add gaming PC’s in the asset pack? I would love to have them too!

it doesn’t do anything, i was supposed to add an inventory system but i have no enough time.

trolling level: 999

everyone has to start somewhere, and I promise you 99% of game devs’ first game is as shitty as you can possibly imagine.

this would look great in a weed tycoon game

awesome reviews for the games. thank you for making this great video!

Fun little puzzle game. I love it. great job.

Been using this for few days now. And it seems to be too performance intensive, I have 8GB ram pc and it consumes 1.5 alone. Is this normal for a pixel art software? if it isn’t hopefully it gets improved.

This game is so fun! I like it!

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i think this is the best FOSS software for pixel art out there. And it is made with Godot too! i love this

I love the art style! also the lighting is great it gives a really good horror vibe.

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graphics and music are amazing!

I just wish i could move around a lot faster. And also. is there any way I can move around using only my mouse?

Thanks! :D I was hoping somebody would exploit the broken item chances lol.

I agree about it being too hard loool. Also, cool video!

Very fun game! The controls are a bit clunky. But that didn't hold me back from having a fun gameplay! Good job.

I think the graphics are mesmerizing! The art style feels so clean and very polished. I do wish there more stuff put into the gameplay tho.

i was able to play it on web so its cool. but i do prefer playing it on exe

This game is awesome! I would've never thought shooting numbers would be fun. A bit confusing for me in choosing my best weapons. (probably because i suck at math)

sorry to hear that. i cannot seem to figure out why that happens to you. bugs aren't fun :((

very insightful feedback! thank you.

(1 edit)

this must be cool!

edit: sadly, it won't run on my pc :(

nothing much, but I just thought of wanting to share?

I've accidentally submitted a wrong game for the jam not realizing it until hours later.

Is there any possible way I can submit again? I already removed the game that I accidentally put in.

I had some internet issues I hope this gets accepted.

My Mary by Weird Bug (


I am using this for a game jam. Perfect fit for my game! thanks